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Refreshing Lunchbox Ideas that Energize Your Afternoon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waseda chapter.

What do you usually have for lunch? As much as I crave a cheeseburger with fries, or a bowl of ramen, food containing high amounts of fat, glucose, and sodium will disturb our blood sugar levels, leaving us feeling dull and nodding off to sleep in our afternoon classes. To combat that, here are 3 refreshing and easy-to-make lunchbox ideas that will give you a boost for an energized afternoon!

Chicken Five-grain Salad with Cherry Tomatoes

This salad combines complex carbohydrates, lean protein, fiber, and healthy fat. Most importantly, it can be made the night before so you have no excuse not to try making this light meal!

Ingredients1 cup multi-grain rice (you can try mixing this with brown rice and black rice, see here)1/4 cup chickpeas1/4 yellow bell pepper70 g shredded chicken breast1 tbs sunflower seeds

For dressing you need:1tbs olive oil1tbs white wine vinegar1tsp Dijon mustardSome thyme, salt, and black pepper

All you need to do is mix everything! Unlike white rice, multi-grain rice is more difficult to digest. This way, the glucose from this meal is released into your bloodstream slowly, keeping sugar levels at an optimal range and preventing spikes! As a bonus, this keeps you feeling full for a longer time and will not trigger your liver into converting excess glucose to fat.

Creamy Chicken Salad with Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Pumpkins

Craving some creamy salad but worrying about using high-caloric mayo? I used non-fat Greek Yogurt as a substitute and believe me, you really can’t tell! I also packed some roasted sweet potatoes and pumpkins for a carbohydrate boost. Both are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins and are totally healthy! Why not fill your stomach with these two kinds of “super food”?

Ingredients70g shredded chicken breast1-2 tbs non-fat Greek yogurt1/4 purple onion, chopped1/2 stick celery, chopped1tbs chopped pecans1tbs raisins1tbs chopped corianderSalt and black pepper

Mix all the ingredients well. You can make a few batches of this at once and store them for another time. A great time-saver especially for busy days! Another great idea is to use it as a sandwich filing! Trust me, it tastes amazing! One tip I have for you is to flavor your salad! Be creative! Add your preferred herbs, nuts, and dried fruits to create your own personal chicken salad. For the roasted sweet potatoes and pumpkins, just chop them into bite-sized pieces, and add some olive oil. To make the flavors work better, you can add some spices or herbs. I recommend ground cumin or ginger to make it more savory.

Pesto Tuna Chickpeas Salad

I love basil! Every time I go to an Italian restaurant I am always looking for pasta with pesto sauce, or anything with basil. This salad is filled with the aroma of basil! It contains complex carbohydrates from the chickpeas, and lean protein from the tuna. (Please remember to use water-packed tuna over oil-packed tuna! You don’t want to eat the excess oil nor do you want the Omega-3 fatty acids to be dissolved into the oil you pour away!) I also put my favorite food in this lunch box: avocado! Avocadoes are such a healthy fat resource. They’re rich in vitamins, minerals, and monounsaturated fat. What’s more, they keep you feeling full for a long time! By the way, eggs and avocadoes make the best combination! They’re like best friends. If I’m having avocado, I also need egg. 

Ingredients3/4 cup chickpeas1 can tuna1tbs organic pesto sauceSome fresh basils, choppedSalt and black pepper

Simply mix everything together. I do not recommend you to make this salad ahead of time because the basil leaves might turn dark or lose their aroma. Instead, you might prefer to make the salad without basil first, and then mix them in right before you pack your lunchbox!

As university students we might be busy sometimes, but we should not put aside our health because “you are what you eat”. These three simple recipes are healthy, nutritious and can help you recharge before a busy afternoon! Why not try one of them next week?

Current student in School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University. Professional shopaholic and serious food eater.
Shu Shien is a sophomore at School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda Unviersity.