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Wellness > Health

6 Reasons Why You Should Run a Tough Mudder

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

A couple summers ago I ran a Tough Mudder — aka “The Toughest Event on the Planet” with a group of friends. The Tough Mudder is a 10-12 mile course with 20+ obstacles and is designed to test your physical and mental strength. Below are 6 reasons why you should run a race full of mud, electric shocks, ice baths and more!



1.       TEAM SPIRIT

Despite its intimidating appearance, the course is actually more fun than difficult. Don’t get me wrong — there were still 10.5 miles of crazy obstacles and endless mud, but your teammates can help you through the difficult ones and laugh at with you when you get yourself stuck in the Mud Pit. Even if you run it by yourself, most people running the course are willing to help you out!




 I signed up a few months in advance in order to get a good deal on the event, and whenever I didn’t feel like working out (I did Crossfit at the time to train for it) or eating healthy I would remind myself that I had a 10.5 MILE OBSTACLE COURSE RACE to run soon!




You actually don’t need to be able to run 10 miles. With slippery mud, creeks, and long lines — sometimes running isn’t even possible. If you’re able to run between 4 to 6 miles before the event, you’ll be fine.




From scaling a 10 ft wall, to crawling through dark and tight spaces — you’ll face your fears and discover that you are braver and stronger than you realized.



Create a team, gather donations, and raise awareness for cause that is near and dear to your heart!



You don’t need to dedicate your life to fitness, or be a marathoner to complete a Tough Mudder. Finding a training program will help, but ultimately your adrenaline, teammates, and fearless spirit will carry you through!


For even more reasons to run it check out www.toughmudder.com

Hey! I study psychology and no, I'm not analyzing you right now. I've already finished.