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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

Quarter system students know the feeling all too well. You’ve been in your class for only four weeks and midterm season is already around the corner. Even though you’ve been through the ropes a few times, it still comes as a surprise when the first test is announced. If there’s one TV character who can relate to the mid-quarter panic, it’s Olivia Pope. Told by Scandal’s favorite character, here are the many stages of stress associated with midterm week.

First, the teacher announces your midterm is in a week. Fear sets in. You’re still not caught up on reading nor have you been attending lectures. But you need this class for your major and you can’t afford to fail a test worth 30 percent of your grade. You think about all the times you could have spent studying for this class instead of sleeping in or going to the beach.

Given some time, you pull yourself together. You have a week? You can do this. You’ll spend Monday catching up on the reading. Tuesday, you’ll study the notes you did take. Wednesday, you’ll make flashcards. Thursday, you’ll pull an all-nighter and do some practice quizzes…Who needs sleep anyway?

Your friends start to worry about you. You won’t talk to anyone. You’ve been binging on food from SBMenus. And the last time you slept for more than three hours? Not for the last five days. You try to explain to your friends that it’s all for a good cause, your GPA.

It’s midterm day. You’ve studied all that you can. You walk in feeling at the very least that you’ll get a C-, maybe even better. You think about all the times you’ve gotten away with procrastinating and cramming. It’s what got you into this university, It’s what will get you out with a degree.

But when you finally get the test, it looks nothing like what you studied for. How could your teacher do this to you? She never even talked about any of this stuff!

You walk out of the class feeling defeated and betrayed. Is it too late to drop the class?

But when you get the grade back, you’re surprised at how well you managed. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t an A. But you’ll take a B-. At least you didn’t totally fail.

Nkechi Ikem is a writer for the HerCampus chapter at UC Santa Barbara. She is a second year political science major and plans to pursue a career in international law. Originally from the Sacramento area, she can't help but continuously remind people that the city is more than just a capital. In her free time, you can find her listening to the same song for an hour or reacting out loud to a book she's reading. She is present on almost all social media outlets, but her favorite at the moment is Twitter. Follow her @saymynameright_
Mya McCann is a fourth year literature student in the College of Creative Studies at UCSB. She currently lives in Bangkok, Thailand and is in the business of running BKK. On the weekends you can find Mya either in the jungle or on an island. On the weekdays she studies Thai and Buddhism and teaches English to sex workers in the red light district. You can follow her adventures on IG: MyaJoy