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Why It’s Time To Stop ‘Sleep-Shaming’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

As busy undergraduates, we’ve been told that time will only allow us to accomplish so much. And from my experience, that’s the truth. As a result, it’s very common to see students sacrifice sleep in order to stay on top of their schoolwork and their social lives.

The notion that sleep is “for the weak and lazy” is one that needs to be addressed more heavily on college campuses.

It’s very common to hear someone being called lazy or unproductive if they get more sleep than others. They might even be chided for having an “easy” major or taking easy classes, which allows them to have a different sleep schedule. 

Someone who thrives on 5-6 hours of sleep per night is often looked at with a sense of awe and inspiration. Students pride themselves on pulling all-nighters; however, promoting all-nighters is essentially valuing something that is physically unhealthy.  

An occasional late night is what college is all about: creating lasting memories in the four years we have here. But making a habit out of it can be very detrimental to your health, and putting shame on someone for being able to find a balance or taking a lighter load for the sake of their health isn’t cool either.

Most researchers recommend getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night, allowing for some fluctuation within that range.

Whatever the amount of sleep you feel you need is an extremely personal choice; it says nothing about your personality or your aspirations. What’s important is not to assign judgment towards someone’s lifestyle habits.


Maria is a fourth year at University of California, Davis where she is double majoring in Economics and Comparative Literature. When she's not studying for her classes or writing up an article, you can find her playing soccer with her friends, working with the UCD School of Education or chowing down on some delicious Thai food with her roommates.
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