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Guide to Sunglasses, AKA Sunnies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Every wonder what it is about some people in the summer that just makes them look so cool and sun-kissed? It’s most likely the sunglasses they’re wearing. Sunnies add character, and they’re an easy way to add that little extra to an outfit. Plus, they protect your eyes from too much UV exposure, and everyone needs that! The secret? Buy them CHEAP. Cheap sunnies are the best if you ask me. Besides, why waste $200 on a pair of sunglasses that you’re probably going to lose in a couple of months? Here’s a quick guide to some of this summers trendiest sunnies and where to find them.

1. The Wayfarer/Clubmaster

These styles are the definition of “timeless”. They suit any face shape and look fabulous with any outfit.

2. The Round Ones

This style is to bring out our inner Ozzy O. A daring, yet trendy look, perfect for summer.

3. The Cat Eye

Any thing with the name “Cat Eye” is an automatic yes! Cat eye style Sunnies are perfect to wear with basically any outfit and add a little sassy to our look.

4. The Pilot

Classic, vintage, versatile, dope. No other words needed to describe these.

Bonus: The best places to find affordable, good quality, and amazing sunnies include:

  • Nordstrom
  • Forever 21
  • Icing/Claire’s
  • H&M
  • Old Navy 
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