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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

As college students on the quarter system, life can get very hectic and stressful. Whether we are in the midst of midterms or finals, we need to find the time to take a step back and breathe so that we do not overwhelm ourselves. Here are seven easy ways to distress: 

1.     Drink Tea

There are so many benefits to drinking tea; it is healthier for you than coffee and still contains caffeine.  Having a hot cup of tea with some honey and lemon not only has great health benefits, but it can also help to clear your mind.  I love drinking Yogi tea because the teabag always has a cute inspirational message on it that gets me through my day.

2.     Do some yoga/meditation

Doing yoga is a great form of stress relief because it not only allows your body to stretch (which feels amazing), but it also calms your mind and increases your focus. With a million thoughts going through my head about all the stuff I have to do, I love taking a break from my worries and just losing myself in a yoga class or by meditating. They offer yoga classes at the ARC for a cheap price. You can also check out Yoga Shakti at UTC, or try home videos on YouTube.

3.     Go to the beach and watch the sunset

One of the biggest benefits of living in the OC is that we live so close to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. If you do not have a car, take the Newport shuttle to watch the sunset. There are also beautiful spots in Corona Del Mar or Laguna Beach. It is refreshing to take a step back from all of the craziness that is school to just appreciate how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful area. 

4.     Watch an episode of your favorite show on Netflix

This one can be dangerous because sometimes once you start, you can’t stop. Usually an episode is 20-30 minutes, which can provide a nice break from studying and help you to forget about your own troubles for a while. Use it as a way to reward yourself after completing x amount of homework.

5.     Take a bath or go in the jacuzzi

As a freshman, one of the biggest struggles I faced was not having a bathtub in the dorms. One of my favorite things to do is relax in the bath or jacuzzi.  Now that I’m living in VDC,  I can do that whenever I please.  If you do not have a bathtub, ask a friend to let you use the jacuzzi at any of the ACC communities such as VDC, VDC Norte, or Camino.

6.     Go work out

Sometimes I find working out to be the best de-stressing activity because I get to listen to my favorite music and feel like I’m also doing something productive and necessary for my body. Life is about balance, so make sure you are making time to support your mental and physical health. If you want to make working out more fun and social, go take some of the group classes at the ARC with friends!

7.     Treat yourself!

After a long, hard day at school, sometimes you just want to lie in bed and eat ice cream. So do it! It is okay to treat yourself once in awhile, whether it is buying a ticket to that concert you have been dreaming of, or that cute dress you saw on sale at your favorite store. You need to make sure that you do not let yourself get caught up in the stress of school. There is more to life, and allowing yourself time to appreciate all the small things will help you to live a happier and stress-free life.


Leya Van Doren is a second year drama major at the University of California, Irvine and an avid life enthusiast. She loves the beach, musical theatre, knitting, reading, and being a mermaid. Find her on instagram at leyley1221.