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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

We have almost reached the end of fall quarter, and for some of us (me) it is our very first quarter of the college experience. Although I haven’t been here long, there are some things I’ve learned that we all need to keep in mind in the quarters to come, freshman or not.


1) It is okay to be nervous, but you need to try.

We all have been nervous about something in our life, whether it be a test, making a friend, going to a club or speaking up in class. That is okay. Trying despite those nerves is what makes us succeed, we’ve all heard the phrase “you never know unless you try,” or “you aren’t brave unless you’ve been afraid first.” Listen, those phrases are common for a reason, we are all human and we have all been afraid, but don’t let that stop you from trying because that is how we improve and discover.



2) Schedule yourself some gym time.

A balanced life is a good life. Getting to the gym can be a struggle between classes but it’s important to make a few hours a week designated to exercise, just like you have a few hours a week designated to class time. This will help handle stress as well as release endorphins that helps you feel positive.



3) Do things early, it feels good to be prepared.

This one’s difficult, we all procrastinate, especially when we make our own daily schedules. To combat this, try to write down (in pen!) what you will accomplish in each hour and stick to it! If you finish things when you say you are going to, it feels a lot better than knowing you still have that thing to do and that you wasted your time.



4) Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Technically we are adults, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t need help. We will never progress or learn as a nation or as individuals if we do not ask for help from one another.


5) Be like water.

When you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. Be adaptable and fluid, and truly be where you are. Sometimes it is important to let go and trust the flow, but remember to not lose who you are or your beliefs in the process. Also, hydration is important, so drink water.


Photographer and writer studying art and literary journalism at UCI. I like food, fashion and photos.
Crystel Maalouf

UC Irvine '18
