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10 Times Taylor Swift’s Lyrics Defined College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Who knows the key to college? Apparently Taylor Swift does. Here are ten times Taylor’s lyrics hit the nail on the head about college.

1. When you sign up for 18 hours this upcoming semester and you legit think you’ll be able to balance school, work, and organizations.

Because anyone taking more than 12 hours needs to lock themselves up. You cray, b.

2. When the professor brings a structured syllabus with due dates on due dates on due dates

Can we have 10 more hours in a day, please?

3. And when that same professor calls you out to answer something you don’t know because he thought you rose your hand

“Oh, I was just stretching sorry”

4. When you’re near the end of the semester, at a solid C, and need a 100 for a B and an 60 to stay at your current grade but decide to basically “wing it” and whatever happens, happens. 

Life’s about living on the edge baby! I LIVE FOR THE RUSH.

 5. When the people in your lab group bail and you have to do the entire thing by yourself.

This project was done by Joe Student & Joe Student with Joe Student feat. Joe Student.

6. When your parents ask you how you and your friends have been handling college and living alone for the first time.

HONESTLY MOM, I’M JUST REALLY STRESSED OK. *starts bawling while smiling*

7. When you’ve gained 15 pounds by winter because you never watched what you were eating.

All those late night Fuego runs caught up to me.

8. And when you’re done with your final and remember that will probably be the last time you ever have to go to that class ever again 

That’s one relationship I’ll never miss.

9. And you realize you’re done with all of your exams early and you’ve aced them all! 

Because that’s always nice. You know? Having your life together. You go glen coco! 

10. Or when you’re waiting for your final grade and hope that curve helped.

Like, are we in the clear yet?

Ruby Majano is an Agricultural Communiations and Journalism major at Texas A&M University. She loves music, poetry and story telling. Ruby aspires to be a print journalist and dreams of one day writing for the New York Times.