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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

No, you’re not dreaming and no, we aren’t making this up… beer yoga is officially a thing! I don’t think we can even name a better way to exercise than doing it while drinking beer.

A yoga studio called BierYoga is located in Berlin, Germany and they’re transforming the yoga community by adding a tasty twist: a bottle of beer in all yoga poses! According to the BierYoga website, “beer yoga is fun but it’s no joke – we take the philosophies of yoga and pair it with the pleasure of beer-drinking to reach your highest level of consciousness.”

This idea has spread from Europe and is taking off in both Australia and America. While there isn’t a BierYoga location in America yet, breweries and yoga studios alike are loving the idea and offering similar classes. Eat.Yoga.Drink. in northern Virginia offers yoga classes at several breweries and sports bars. Erin, an instructor and lover of craft beer and yoga, hopes that by “primarily teach[ing] yoga in nontraditional spaces, the practice [will be] more accessible and affordable for everybody.” However, American studios like Eat.Yoga.Drink., and LA based Brew-Yoga have yet to actually combine the two. As it stands, most American yoga-brewery combos are leaving the drinking until after the yoga session.

We hope that it won’t be long until you’re mixing a beer and tree pose here in America!

Alex is a Public Relations major at the University of South Carolina. She is an avid napper, a lover of guacamole and an Office enthusiast.
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