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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

You always hear people talking finals tips and tricks. But what about midterms? For midterms we, don’t get any advice. So here it is. The post about midterms you didn’t know you needed.

So not all classes have midterms. Some classes just skip them entirely. And some classes just have a midterm and final. I would argue that midterms are just as important as finals. If you do well on your midterm, it can set the tone for the rest of the semester. Once you receive your grade from your midterm, it gives you time to talk your teacher about your grade and see what you can do to get up. It’s better to do it then instead of crying at your professor’s door step 3 days before your final, begging for mercy.

1. Make sure you study

College students sometimes have the tendency to push off their studying. And the idea of “I’ll just do better next time” comes up more than once.

2. Study groups

If you can find people to study and create study guides with you, you have a much higher chance of doing well studying with a friend than by yourself. You can bounce ideas off of each other.

3. Make sure you’re keeping up with your health

People say this a lot during finals, but keeping your health during midterms is just as important. Make sure you eat the right foods, drink water, and still go to the gym. This will make you feel better when you’re stressed.

4. You must focus

I personally cannot study in my room. It’s hard to focus. In the library, it’s easier, especially in the cubicles. Some people can’t study in the library. The point is, you need to be somewhere where you are able to focus.

These are just a few tips I have on midterms for everyone. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your teachers for help. Just remember to do your best. If you have studied and prepared, you’ll do fine.