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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

As the evenings get darker and as the weather gets colder it is easier than ever to be tempted to skip the gym. Here are 7 tips to keep you in line and to maintain that summer body throughout the cold winter months…

1)   Perfect playlist

•        Create and regularly update a gym playlist on your iPod – tell yourself you can’t stop until you’ve finished listening to the whole list.


2)   Go with a friend

•        By going with a gym buddy, you’ll have someone to help push you in reaching your goals – it’ll also make it harder for you to be tempted into skipping a work out.

3)   Attend a gym induction

  • Most gyms offer you a free induction with a personal trainer on joining. By attending a session, you’ll be able to get well-informed advice on how to achieve your goals, as well as a plan to help make your work out sessions as productive as possible.


4) Gym classes

  • Classes are a great way to stay on track. Many gyms – such as The Gym in Nottingham town centre – offer free classes with memberships. £13.99 a month for a 24 hour gym and a number of classes? You can’t even use the ‘skint student’ excuse at that price…


5)   Workout gear

•        Sort yourself out with some pretty work out gear. Though some people prefer to throw on an old t-shirt, I’m a fan of the “if you feel good you look good” policy. Gym clothes included.


6)   Tell people you’ve got a gym membership

•        Drop it into conversation. Message your friends. Scream it on the bus. Just let people know you’ve joined the gym! If you make a conscious effort to tell people, then they’ll be sure to ask you how your new exercise regime is going…

7)   Stop thinking about reasons not to go.

  • Literally stop and just GO. GO GO GO!

Edited by Mackenzie Orrock

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Hannah Eastaff - Health & Fitness Blogger
Harriet Dunlea is Campus Correspondent and Co-Editor in Chief of Her Campus Nottingham. She is a final year English student at the University of Nottingham. Her passion for student journalism derives from her too-nosey-for-her-own-good nature.