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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.


As we continue to navigate through the ups and downs of adulting, we learn just how important it is to become a morning person. Most careers are 8-5, and for some of us, being up early is something we’re just not used to. Try these seven tips to becoming more of a morning person.


1. Go to bed earlier.

This seems like the most obvious thing to do! If you work on falling asleep earlier, you may find that you’ll also wake up earlier. If you’re going to bed around midnight and often wake up feeling exhausted, slowly get yourself into the habit of going to bed between 10 and 11. Maybe start with 11:30, then 11:00, then 10:30. Slow changes will make a big difference!


2. Lay out your things the night before.

This can help you sleep in a little later. Lay out your clothes, backpack, lunch, etc. That way, you won’t find yourself frantically running around, trying to get your things together. Organizing your things the night before can save you a lot of chaos and confusion in the morning.


3. Exercise in the morning.

I’m sure we’ve all heard this one before! Exercising in the morning can wake you up and leave you feeling refreshed. Start small and try fitting in a quick 20-minute workout, before you leave for the day. It will boost your energy levels and really wake you up!


4. Read or meditate before bed.

Doing this will allow your mind to relax. Many times, we find our thoughts racing while we try to fall asleep. By reading or meditating (and putting away your electronics!), you’re able to calm down and get your body ready for a good night’s rest.


5. Change your alarm.

If your alarm is an obnoxious tone that makes you want to throw it across the room, it’s time for a change. If you use your phone as an alarm, try using an upbeat song that will make you want to get out of bed. You can also try putting your phone across the room or somewhere that you would need to sit up to turn it off.


6. Plan a good breakfast.

Although breakfast in bed sounds great, a good breakfast can also help get you OUT of bed. Plan a fun breakfast the night before, so that when you wake up, you’re more motivated to actually get up. Waffles, overnight oats and smoothies are some of the many breakfasts that can actually make your mornings worthwhile.


7. Get into a routine.

Try to go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. This way, your body is not constantly adjusting to a different schedule.


It may take some practice, but by using these healthy habits, waking up early will no longer be a chore. It will simply be another part of adulting you’ll be able to master!

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