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You Know You’re a Freshman When…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

You get on the wrong side of the bus. You still get lost around campus. You wear your lanyard everywhere. Yep, it’s pretty obvious who is a freshman when the school year starts, and you definitely know you’re a freshman when…

1. Through the crowd of people walking to class, you actually find someone you know.

2. You learn to appreciate all those home-cooked meals that are now replaced by dining hall food.

3. There are so many attractive guys on campus and you wonder where they all were in high school.

4. You think about the weekend like

5. The whole freedom thing is still pretty new and awesome

6. “Have you studied for that exam?”

7. You see people from high school on campus and then try to duck and hide because small talk is exhausting

8. You’re all of a sudden really determined about your future

9. Professors talk way too fast

10. You think about midterms like…