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How to Take Care of Your Body, Mind and Soul in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.
According to PsychCentral.com, self-care is defined as any activity that we do in order to take care of our mental, emotional and physical health.

When it comes to self-care, there are many different aspects. I’m going to focus on bettering your body, mind and soul. There are many different ways to take on self-care, but you must figure out what works best for you. Here are some starting points: 


We all know taking care of our body can be challenging in college. We are always running around, and we get stressed to the point we make ourselves sick. Here are some of my tips to take care of your body:

  • Vitamins, vitamins and more vitamins! Adding a simple multi-vitamin to your breakfast can make all the difference. I take a CVS multi-vitamin brand for women once a day, and I’ve never felt healthier. They come in gummies and pills, so you can choose your preference. 
  • Try your best to not keep hoards of snacks in your dorm. It’s tempting when you have a meal plan to spend away, but try only bringing healthy snacks for your dorm or make yourself go to one of the campus cafes to get a real meal.
  • Find a fun way to workout. Not everyone can workout by lifting or running. (It’s definitely not my cup of tea!) Simple alternatives could be joining a Zumba class, swimming at the Rec Center or finding free workout videos on YouTube. Find something that you enjoy doing and schedule it into your day. (Blogilates on YouTube has a hoard of different workouts and even apartment/dorm friendly options!)
  • Hygiene, hygiene and more hygiene! One of the most important ways to take care of your body is to clean it. Taking a shower can be time consuming, especially when pulling an all-nighter, but it is something that is a must. Showering is the only way to rid your body of dirt, grime and sweat from the day. Try and take a shower at least every other day. I shouldn’t have to put this, but I will: brush your teeth and wash your hands… For the sake of your peers and your own well-being, please do these basic tasks people. 



Taking care of your mental health is probably the most important and most forgotten step in self-care. Your mental health is the basis for every other type of self-care. Here are some tips to better your mental health:

  • Take a “me day.” Take a day of your week where you do absolutely nothing and do something simple for yourself. I usually do mine on Fridays because I don’t have Friday classes. I sleep in until my body naturally wakes up. I find a movie on Netflix, a show on Hulu or a book I’ve been meaning to read and spend my day relaxing. After a long week of classes, taking a day to rest your body and brain is what you deserve.
  • Find someone you can talk to. There is nothing better for your mental health than talking about what is going on inside your head. Whether you call your mom once a week and unload, have a ranting session with your roommate or find a therapist to talk to, sometimes getting your thoughts out is exactly what your brain needs. If you want more information about finding and going to a therapist, check out my last article “Why Seeing a Therapist Could be the Best Decision you Make this New Year” 
  • If you are not the talking type, find a creative outlet to get your thoughts out. If you like writing, try journaling or writing poetry. If you are an artist, paint or sketch what you are feeling. Either route you take in doing this will get your feelings out. There is nothing worse than holding in your feelings. All that does is build up a pile of BS in your mind, and sooner or later you’ll have to sort through that mess; otherwise it’ll explode, and that is not a healthy way to work through your feelings. 
  • Try reading a self-help book or a celebrity’s autobiography. Reading and finding out that someone has been in a similar place as you are can be extremely helpful and encouraging. One of my favorite self-help books is The Girl’s Guide by Melissa Kirch.  There are also these self-help workbooks that are available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble that have a bunch of different activities that teach you coping skills. They have all different concentrations. Click here to check this one out that is for anxiety!  



Self-care for the soul might be the hardest to give tips for because it differs per person. Caring for your soul can also mean different things. Your soul can include your personality, beliefs and outlook on life. Here are some broad tips to get you started:

  • Step out of your comfort zone. I know it’s a cliché, but it’s very important. I came from a very small town/village (No seriously, it called itself The Village of New Concord. I can’t make this stuff up!), and it was nowhere near as diverse as Kent. I know I’m not the only one from a small town, and this might be the first time you ever heard someone speak a different language and that’s okay. Go out and experience different cultures and people.
  • Find yourself. This can mean exploring new things, so don’t be afraid to try them all! Find your own opinions that are uniquely yours. Don’t be afraid to have a different opinion than everyone else. Explore new things that you think you might love. Always wanted to try dancing? Take a class!
  • Become open-minded. Have your own opinions, but keep in mind that others might not share the same opinions as you. Open your ears and listen to others thoughts. You don’t have to agree with them, but it is always enlightening to see a different side. Always look at both sides of an argument. You never know what you might find out. 
“A balanced intellect presupposes a harmonious growth of body, mind and soul.” – Gandhi


Jess Goodwin is a  senior at Kent State University, where she is the Senior Editor for the Her Campus Kent State chapter! She is a Journalism major who has enjoyed writing and telling stories her whole life. When she is not writing, Jess is dancing and choreographing. She has been dancing for over 15 years and choreographing for just about 3 years now! She has a passion for movies, books and entertainment, but she also has a love for activism and promoting love! Jess's socials are: Instagram: @jess.goodwin Twitter: @jessgoodwin13 
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.