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photos by lanty zUU73lEdcBU unsplash
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All Year Resolutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KCL chapter.

The beginning of a new year is always synonymous with resolutions, and it can be the perfect time to turn over a new leaf or start a new hobby. Then, by the time week three comes along, most of those carefully made resolutions have been broken and we’re left thinking ‘maybe next January’. But who says that it’s only January 1st that you can make resolutions? You can start next week, tomorrow, or even right now (as soon as you’re done reading this, of course), with a decision to change something about your life. Here are three All Year Resolutions for you that you can pick up any day of the year.


1) Get organised

If there’s one thing that makes university easier, it’s keeping on track of everything. Organise your life with a planner or proper use of the calendar app on your phone, and organise your work with folders and coloured note-taking. It’s never too late to overhaul bad study methods, and there’s something so satisfying about having everything neat and tidy.


2) Stay healthy

There is never a month where this one isn’t important. I’m not suggesting 5 a.m. runs down the South Bank and never eating cake again, although if that’s what you want to do then no one’s stopping you, but it is always worth adding oranges to the end of your shopping list and making sure you drink a couple of extra glasses of water a day. As the weather starts to get warmer (something that, admittedly, seems like a long-forgotten myth right now), you need to stay hydrated!


3) See more of the people you love

This resolution might not seem all that obvious in January when you’ve probably just spent Christmas with your family and been to New Year’s Eve parties with friends, but as the year goes on and coursework, exams and summer internships take over it starts to get more difficult to keep up with a social life. Make the time to go for coffee with a friend, Skype your parents or text your siblings.  Life is better surrounded by people you love.


These are only a few ideas to get you started but pretty much any resolution can be started in any month of the year. Don’t beat yourself up over a couple of days skipped or lapses back to whatever you are trying to change – it’s meant to be about improving your mental and physical wellbeing, not piling on the stress. Whenever you make the decision to start on the path of a new resolution, we wish you good luck!


King's College London English student and suitably obsessed with reading to match. A city girl passionate about LGBTQ+ and women's rights, determined to leave the world better than she found it.