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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.


Dear Body,

     You’ve got some changes that you desperately need to make. I know that you’re busy and all, but only getting 6 hours of sleep is ridiculous and completely unacceptable. I need at least 8! So, this is what’s going down:

     When you don’t get enough sleep, not only is it nearly impossible to pay attention, but you also lose control of your emotions. Depression, anxiety, and nervousness all come from lack of sleep. Beyond mood problems, being tired also makes you more aggressive! Avoid another argument with your bae simply by getting another hour or two of shut eye. And even if snapping at your significant other doesn’t seem bad enough, sleep deprivation is also linked to lower grades. So, get that sleep!

     Something you can try to get better—if not more—sleep is not sleeping in on the weekends. Now, I’m not telling you not to get an extra few hours, but sleeping in to 2:00pm or even 4:00pm will throw off your circadian rhythms. Controlling sleep cycles and quality, your circadian rhythms are not something you should mess with! Further benefits come from exercising, meditation, and skipping the Starbucks or your evening smoke. It doesn’t help!

     Even with a schedule full of classes, clubs, and sports, it is still possible to sleep well and long! Just try some of these ideas and see everything get better!

You can thank me later,

        Your Brain

Victoria Stone is a Freshman at IUP majoring in middle level education with a specialty in social studies. When she is not studying or eating, she enjoys spending her time outdoors, doing yoga, or attempting the impossible crafts on Pinterest. This year, her New Year's resolution is to run a 5K.