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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

OK, you’ve had a few tests so far, but now it’s time for the (bum, bum, bummm) cumulative midterm exams. At this point, you’ve probably figured out a few effective study habits, but studying for midterms should be a lot different than studying for regular exams. Remember that midterms are weighed a lot heavier than normal tests, so it’s super important to bring your A-game to each exam. Here are some of tips to make it through midterms alive:

  • Don’t Study In Your Room. Studying in your dorm room is a big mistake; go to the library. The library is the best escape from distractions, and you’ll really be forced to crack down and actually study. The Stacks are practically silent so you can really concentrate, but the group floors are also great to study with friends. Don’t forget your headphones because the library can be creepy-quiet and you will definitely need some mellow, John Mayer study music.

  • Drink Water, Not Coffee. Most people think that coffee is the ultimate source of energy, but they are so wrong. Water is the key to staying focused while studying for midterms. Water keeps your brain clear, motivated and focused while coffee is proven to induce headaches and increase anxiety.

  • Do Not Procrastinate. It’s really easy to wait until the night before an exam to start studying. In college, and for midterms especially, procrastination just won’t cut it. Avoid waiting until the last minute by making an efficient midterm schedule. This will help divide your time evenly so you can study for all of your tests without cramming.

  • Block Out Distractions. There’s a computer app called “Self Control.” It allows you to make a list of distracting websites (i.e., Netflix and Facebook) and it blocks them for an adjustable amount of time. This app is the absolute best because it limits your ability to become distracted. Also, keep your phone out of sight. If you can’t see it, you’ll forget you even have it with you and won’t feel the need to check it every five minutes.

  • Use Quizlet. A lot of college classes require a lot of memorization. The seemingly best way to remember vocab words is with notecards. Quizlet is an online notecard-maker that’s ridiculously easy to use and helps you master your study material. This is a lot more time-efficient than old-fashioned notecards. Plus, notecards are a waste of paper because they are practically useless after the exam!

  • Take Breaks. Do not stay in the library for more than five hours at a time. Naturally, your body cannot handle being locked up studying for so long. At a certain point, your brain isn’t going to absorb and take in the information you are studying. Get away from your computer, put down your notes and let yourself relax for a little. Eat something, take a power nap, workout, do something to rejuvenate your brain.

After days of intense preparation, the most satisfying things you’ll find yourself doing are handing in a scantron and getting the hell outta there. You survived your first round of midterms! You did it! Woooo, party! Time to freakin’ celebrate.