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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Even with the rise of sunnier, warmer days and the passing of midterms, I think we can all agree mornings will always remain brutal. I will never understand how morning-people even function. Setting your alarm for the next morning’s 9:00 am class is never easy, but here are 8 ways to make your mornings a little more tolerable.



1. Set a good wake-up song: Your wake-up song says a lot about the direction your day will head in. That being said, you probably won’t have the greatest day waking up to your iPhone’s obnoxious alarm sounds. Choose something happy and upbeat that will put a smile on your face.  



2. Have a good breakfast: Breakfast is and forever will be the most important meal of the deal. If you can make time for a pit-stop at the DUC before your first class, you’ll be fully energized to make it through the day. Even just an energy bar to-go will make a difference!




3. Get a good sleep the night before: This one is simple. The more hours of sleep you get, the easier it will be to wake up the following morning. Be smart, kids. All-nighters shouldn’t be a regular thing.




4. Take a shower: Nothing wakes you up quite like a refreshing shower in the morning. This is guaranteed to wake you up and give you some morning energy.


5. Sleep with your curtains halfway open: This is one of the easiest things you can change that will bring awesome results. With the curtains halfway open, the natural light will sneak into the room early in the morning and slowly wake your body up. So when the alarm goes off, you’ll actually be half-awake.



6. Stretch in bed: Before you leave your bed, take 5 minutes to do some simple stretches or breathing techniques. Warm up your muscles and patiently wake up your body.


7. Make the bed: Don’t leave for class without making your bed! Nothing is more accomplishing than making your bed early in the morning. You feel good, your room looks great, and it’s one less thing you have to worry about through the day.



8. Give yourself plenty of time: This one is probably the most important because nobody likes to feel rushed. Give yourself enough time to get all of the essentials done. Even if it’s too much time, you can always reward yourself for getting everything done with some relaxation time in bed.


Her Campus at Emory University