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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Finals week is one of the most stressful times in a college student’s career. With all the studying you have to do, it’s easy to forgo taking care of yourself. Actively paying attention to your mental and physical health is important and proven to reduce stress levels. While self-care may seem impossible during finals week, it doesn’t have to be! Check out our list of easy and quick self-care tips to help make your finals week experience as painless as possible.

1.  Care for your skin

Face masks can do wonders for your skin, which might be showing the effects of your late nights at the library. Some store-bought masks even claim to have ingredients that lower stress levels, like bergamot and eucalyptus. If you’re trying to save money, you’re a few keystrokes away from searching Pinterest for DIY masks that can easily be made using common household items. Apply a mask right before bed for an at-home spa session that doesn’t encroach upon your study time.


2. Relax with some aromatherapy

Light a few of your favorite candles while you wait for your face mask to dry or watch an episode of your favorite TV show on Netflix. If you have an oil burner, you can use that too. Essential oils such as peppermint, chamomile and lavender can help reduce stress levels and make your room smell amazing. If you’re unable to bring candles or oil burners into your apartment or dorm, Glade and Air Wick plug-ins are cheap and safe alternatives.


3. Make time to exercise

If you’re not into working out already, then it might be difficult to try committing to a workout during finals week. However, there are many easy exercises that can be done without having to leave the comfort of your apartment. Check out YouTube vloggers like FitnessBlender and Yoga with Adriene for some fitness routines, or just turn on some music and start dancing around in your room. As long as you get your endorphins going, your stress levels should decline.


4. Tidy up your room

When your life’s a mess, your room becomes a mess too. It’s hard to relax after a late night at the library when your things are all over the place. Take a few minutes at the start of your day to put some of your clothes and other items away. You can save the deep cleaning for after all of your exams end. For now, just being able to see your floor or the top of your desk can make you feel better about life.


5. Don’t eat junk

Easier said than done, but eating junk food can make your finals week anxiety worse. Meal prep before your finals week schedule gets too hectic so you don’t have an excuse to go to Shake Shack for dinner every night. Try to pack healthier snacks for when you go to the library such as fruits and vegetables.


6. Surround yourself with positivity

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. If you remain confident that you’ll do well on your final exams and do your best to avoid feeling hopeless, it’ll help you retain the information you’re studying. Try writing encouraging statements to yourself on post-it notes and placing them by your study materials or reaching out to your loved ones when you need a pep talk.


Self-care during finals is a great way to make your week go by easier. You can even follow these tips during the rest of the quarter to make sure you’re taking good care of yourself all year. How do you practice self-care? Let us know in the comments below!

Sarah is a Marketing and Technology & Innovation Management major from Brooklyn, NY. In her free time she enjoys reading lifestyle/fashion/beauty blogs and literature, trying to get her life together, watching Netflix, and spending an unhealthy amount of time on social media. 
Her Campus Drexel contributor.