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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

As finals week approaches, our stress begins to rise. Trying to change that D to  B in a short amount of time take a lot of work. Here are some ways to have as little stress as possible.


    1.Prioritize me time.

        This is the biggest issue we have. Staying up all night to study, and staying up the whole day running on coffee to do the same thing, while going to clubs, sorority meetings etc. Make a schedule of the next couple weeks and give yourself time to be able to do all those things. Make a note to take a nap so you aren’t exhausted before you even started taking your finals. This way you have a clear plan of your day and the rest of the days to come.


    2. Eat!

        This should be a given, but a lot of us forget to eat. And no, chewing on the ice from your iced coffee doesn’t count. Eat a good breakfast so you so you won’t be starving while you study. Remember to drink water and stay hydrated while your cramming. You can eat while you study or you can take a quick break to grab a bite to eat.


    3.Take a break

        You might think you won’t have time for that, but many studies show you can take in knowledge more if you take a break in between. This break can be your time to nap, call your family so they know your alive, or even just doing nothing for 30 minutes. College is stressful, but you shouldn’t be having mental breakdowns because of it.

    4.Study with friends

        Studying with your friends in the same major can help all of you in so many ways. If you don’t know something about a particular subject, chances are someone else in your group does. You also can exchange information, study guides etc. It also makes you less stressed knowing there are people doing the same exact things as you.