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DIY: How to Create a Finals Pick-Me-Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.
This is the most dreaded time of year for every single college student out there.  Just hearing the word “final,” whether it be in the context of a paper, presentation, project, or exam, makes me want to scream.  I hate all things having to do with finality—end of the year, end of the summer, end of a semester—it all makes me cringe, not to mention stress the stress that comes along with it.  I completely understand how difficult it becomes with all the loaded anxiety and tension to balance your life; before you know it, it feels like your partnership with that final whatever is as serious as a two-year relationship with your boyfriend or a close knitted friendship that took years to compose.  It comes to the point where you mindlessly disregard real interaction just to be with that end-all grade breaker.  

But life can’t continue like this endlessly.  You also can’t mindlessly work and study for hours (not to mention days) without a breather.  In times like these what makes me feel best is encouragement and support.  So, why not remind your friends that you’re still there for them, even if that final paper has taken their spot on your ladder of love, with this DIY bag of simple goodies. 


Variety of candy (CVS is a perfect hot spot for this)
Colorful markers (I love sharpies but then again who doesn’t?)
Pieces of paper (Anything from stationary to Post-its)
Ziplock sandwich bags (CVS again…a store for everything!)


1. Portion your candy so that every one gets the same amount: let’s say one Reese’s, three Hershey kisses, and five sucking candies.

2. Place the candy in your Ziplock bags and set them aside.

3. Now, escape all of that stress by reentering first grade: the only thing that was—and is now—important to you is that perfectly colored note.  Employ a rainbow of colors and funky bubble letters.  Simple words of encouragement such as “Good luck!” or “You can do it” are fine.  Nothing extravagant is needed; your friends will know you care without a sonnet of cheer.  

4. Put a note in each bag in front of the candy so your friends will see your kind words first.

5. Seal up the bags and bring them with you on your way to class to be sure to give them to your friends! 

In between my studying last night, I even took a break to make these for my friends.  Once completed, I felt accomplished and caring; even if that paper takes me another five hours I know that I will make someone’s day with this little gift!  So take a breather—and less than 20 minutes—to make these bags of encouragement…would you even be working for those 20 minutes or perusing on Facebook?  Think about it; you won’t regret it.  Happy studying and good luck to all! 

Image sources: 

Elizabeth is a senior at Bucknell University, majoring in English and Spanish. She was born and raised in Northern New Jersey, always with hopes of one day pursuing a career as a journalist. She worked for her high school paper and continues to work on Bucknell’s The Bucknellian as a senior writer. She has fervor for frosting, creamy delights, and all things baking, an affinity for classic rock music, is a collector of bumper stickers and postcards, and is addicted to Zoey Deschanel in New Girl. Elizabeth loves anything coffee flavored, the Spanish language, and the perfect snowfall. Her weakness? Brunch. See more of her work at www.elizabethbacharach.wordpress.com