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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.


We are not going to sit here and preach that alcohol is bad for you, cause “I don’t careee, I love it” but we are going to share some tips we have. We all want to engage in one of our favorite past times and not have to eat alone because “these sweatpants are all that fits me right now”.



1. Let’s talk alcopop! (because we love saying that word)

We’ve got:

Mikes Hard (to pull up my jeans) Lemonade –cals: 220 sugar: 32g 5% alc

Twisted (and turned but still can’t get them up) Tea –cals: 260 sugar: 28g  5% alc

Mang-o(ing to suck in and have my suitemates pull them on)-ritas  –cals: 200  sugar: 18g   8% alc (8 ounces, don’t even ask about monster one)

Smirn(off goes the button) Ice –cals: 228 sugar: 0 (filled with artificial sweeteners) 5% alc

Four(get pants, I’m wearing yogas out) LoKo –cals: 660 sugar: 60g  12% alc

Trust us, we know. It’s like being told the boy you like “just isn’t that into you.” DEVISTATING, but it is knowledge that will help you in the long run. 


2. Wednesday Wine Night.

There are a couple of things you can pay attention to when choosing which high class (no judgment) box-o-wine you’ll be sucking from all night. Most have similar calories (100-130 per 5 oz), but you can make smart choices by picking those with lower sugar- because who really only has 5 ounces of wine? The Franzia website has all the nutrition information listed in a chart so you can easily do a comparison. Wine is actually considered fairly good for you because it is filled will antioxidants, potassium and magnesium. Wine is good, wine is great, we love wine


3. We’ve all taken that regretful trip to Long Island (approx. 780 cals) and still tasted it the next morning, all we can say is no, thank you.

Sure they look great being handed to you for free from the boy at the bar, but they will not look as cute hanging over the top of your belt. At the bar, opt for flavored Vodkas with soda water, queue Sammy Adams, “Everybody notice, white girls drink Vodka Sodas”, you’ll get more alcohol and be hydrating while you dehydrate! Multipurpose solutions #winning #collegeeducation. When drinking on campus, we’re always finding new delicious drinks by mixing plain or flavored Vodka with water and a variety of sugar free/cal free sweeteners. Our current go to is Tropical Fruit Burnette’s (gross we know, but we’re ballin on a budget) with Tropical Fruit Chrystal Light! Another tip: Some “skinny” liquors will seem much lower in calories, but they’re actually lower in alcohol % than normal.

Example: 1.5 oz Pinnacle Vodka, cals: 100              40% alc

1.5 oz of Skinny Girl Vodka, cals: 75                       30% alc

Therefore, those are exactly the same amount of calories per percent of alcohol. Save your money!


4. When most people think beer, they think sun, country music, summer. We think beer bellies. Not attractive on 50 year old men, but even less cute when the college girl exhales and it pop, lock and drops out from under her crop top.

So if beer is your thing, how can you choose? Say it with us, LIGHT BEER. Easy as that. Again, just make sure you’re still getting the alcohol percentage that you want. For example, Budweiser Select 55 – cals: 55, 2.5% alc  (aka half the average) … TRICKY! TRICKY!

Click here for better beer choices:

Some inlcude-

Miller Light – cals: 96, alc %: 4.2      Natty Light – cals: 95, alc %: 4.2    


So remember 3 things from our tips ladies!

1) Check the calories, sugar and alcohol content.

2) A shot of alcohol is only around 100 calories and likely zero sugar, just be conscious about what you’re mixing it with.

3) You’ve got four years, so have fun and drink smart! This is the time in our lives where we should be able to have our carbs and drink them too! 


Her Campus wants to remind all the ladies out there to stay safe and be smart while drinking! Sure we want to stay fit, but cutting out meals before you drink is not the way to do it. Have fun and take care of each other!

Major: Marketing & Management Minor: Communications Interests: Fitness, nutrition, fashion, comedy Goals: To have the ambition of Beyonce, the hilarity of Tina Fey, the poise of Emma Watson and the legs of Carrie Underwood Favorite quote: "Dream big and dare to fail."