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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Profile: Nina Lepaus

Age: 23

Hometown: Tampere, Finland

Degree: Psychology




I had the chance to speak to one of my best friends about her life at uni and her new exciting challenge of being the Social Secretary for the Aberdeen University Weightlifting Club for this academic year. Time for you to meet this fabulous gal!


HC: Hey Nina! How are you feeling now that third year is well underway, still feel confident about it all?


NL: Hello! I think we all start feeling less confident when exams are approaching… Third year is much harder than last year was and I’ve definitely had my fair share of struggles! But I’m feeling confident enough, yes.


HC: That’s good though, confidence is key! You are the social sec for the weightlifting society, what made you join the club in your first year?


NL: I think our Vice President Molly Gray was the ultimate inspiration. Think I was a big fan of her physique and strength, and joined because I thought I would be really good at it. Truth is, I was absolutely crap and regretted joining for ages. Then slowly I started to improve and think I’ve made huge progress over the years. Best decision I’ve made while at Uni!


HC: I can definitely relate to that! What is the best thing about AUWC?


NL: We’re all super chill. I think people think of us as an intimidating club but we’re such a cool and welcoming bunch of people. You will find all sorts of personalities within the club and I think that’s what is so great about it. We all get along and cheer each other on no matter what.


HC: That is so great to hear, and definitely how every club and society should be like. You competed in the University World Championships this past summer and won gold in deadlift, congratulations! Have you set any goals for yourself for this school year?


NL: Thanks! That came as a surprise to me too to be honest. I competed at British Championships a few weeks ago and aimed to be in the top 5; I ended up coming in 5th place, so I was really happy about that. I’m not competing again until next April, I am moving up a weightclass though, so  (I am) expecting big gains! Not just from myself but from the whole club as we’re gonna dominate at Scottish Uni Championships (again).



HC: Glad to hear you have such a great hope for your club, and we here at Her Campus will definitely be cheering you on! By the way, what made you make the move from Finland to Aberdeen for uni?


NL: I’m quite international and never saw myself staying in Finland after high school. I also always wanted to study psychology, but it’s very hard to get into uni in Finland because of the ridiculous entry exams. Aberdeen accepted my application straight away, it’s relatively close to home, and uni is free so I thought why not!


HC: What is the biggest difference you have noticed between Finland and Scotland?


NL: That’s a really hard question! Everything is so different. Traffic to begin with. But lots of small things; like how you can buy booze in grocery stores, everyone has bathtubs and carpets, students don’t pay tax and it’s normal to have mould in your flat. That would never pass in Finland.


HC: Lastly, some quick-fire questions!


Cats or dogs? Dogs

Tea or coffee? Coffee

Institute or Nox? As social sec I refuse to choose between these two. I am loyal to both.

Squats or bench? Squats


Thank you for taking the time to speak to us Nina, and do keep us posted on all your gains!