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SLIDESHOW: 15 Campus Cuties Who Can Cook!

Name: Malcolm Fouhy
Year: 2014
Major: Political Science and Environmental Studies
Hometown: Brookline, MA
Relationship status: In a relationship
Campus activities: Club volleyball, Secretary of his fraternity Pike

What do you find most attractive in a girl?
Personality, sense of humor, intelligence

What was the greatest thing you have ever done on a date?
My girlfriend and I went to an amusement park. I also love going to the movies.

Do your prefer blondes or brunettes?

What do you consider the biggest turnoff when flirting with a girl?
If she can’t have a meaningful conversation.

What is your favorite part about GW?
The opportunities.

What is the last song you listened to on your IPod?
“We are Young” by Fun

What is your favorite book?
Song of Solomon by Tony Morrison

What is your favorite movie?
“The Talented Mr. Ripley”

What is your favorite store?
Banana Republic

Do you have a TV Guilty Pleasure?
House Hunters on the Home and Garden Network. My mom or dad was watching it once, and I’ve been addicted ever since.

What is one thing you can’t live without?
My flip flops

Do you have a secret talent?
I make an awesome grilled cheese.

What is something few people know about you?
I was a geology major when I first got to college. (When I asked him why he switched, he asked if I knew any geology majors. I couldn’t think of any.)

Who is one person you would want be stranded on an island with?
George Clooney. He would be very resourceful, and I think we would have good conversation.

What is something on your bucket list?
I want to travel to every continent.

Celebrity crush: Olivia Wilde

What is the best piece of life advice you’ve ever gotten?
My uncle told me three things when I got into college that have been very useful. Go big and go early. Be ready to bust out a dance move at any moment. Know how to cook couscous.

What is something you want to accomplish in the future?
I want to get into a good law school.
Name: David Quigley
He’s graduating from Colby this year and has a prestigious job in San Francisco with a social gaming company.

What’s your major and can you explain a little about the classes you take?

I’m a computer science major, which focuses on learning to write software.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Lately, I’ve been doing P90x, I love to ski and play NHL 2012. I also like to cook eggs and mountain bike.

Who are your role models?
Ray Allen and Joseph Quinby.

I know you spent last January on top of a mountain, can you tell me a little about that?
Well last year I did an internship on top of Mount Washington. I worked on writing code for weather instruments. The software I wrote was for collecting specific weather data like wind speeds, temperature changes, and pressure changes. I rewrote the software so it could be more efficient. If you don’t sample fast enough you can’t get high wind speeds because you’re unable to collect the information fast enough so I made it more efficient.

What are your plans for next year?
Next year I’m heading out to San Francisco and working for Zynga. It’s a social gaming site that made the games like Words with Friends. I suppose I’ll be writing code for making games.I have some ideas, but I obviously can’t disclose them on the internet! I’m also looking forward to listening to bluegrass music. Of course, I think Words with Friends with Benefits would be a great success; Call Me Maybe.

What is your favorite memory from your time at Colby?
Passing out under the bridge this fall – shout out to Chris Horne for picking me up.

Thank God for Chris Horne. How would you describe your self in less than 5 words?
I just need 3: all business naked

What’s your biggest regret?
Falling asleep before midnight on every doghead…

What is one thing you’ll miss about Colby?
Sheryl from the pub

What makes you most excited about graduating?
Getting out of maine

What is some advice you have for Colby students?
Work hard, make money.
Name: Ronnie Harris 
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Major: Human Biology, Psychology
Activities/Interests: Film watching and cooking
Sport: Football

How do you feel about being nominated for Campus Cutie?
I feel very honoured and humble to be nominated for Campus Cutie. I never thought that I’d be nominated for something of this magnitude.

If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be?
If I could have lunch with anyone it would be Malcolm x because he was such an influential black activist that attempted to creat social equality amongst ethnic groups.

What is something that people are surprised to know about you?
People are surprised to know that I can cook very well, not only BBQ but deep south home soul food cooking.

Fun fact: I love chocolate covered strawberries.

Celebrity crush: Megan Good and Paula Patton.

Favorite TV show: The Game, House, and The Jamie Foxx Show.

Best Stanford Moment:
Best Stanford moment was the day I was accepted and my mom cried and I told her this was my first state to success upon success.

Ike’s decides to name a sandwich after you (what’s it called, what’s in it):
The sandwich would be called The Guru… It would have bacon, hamburger ground beef, thousand island sauce and American cheese.

Pet peeve: Pet peeve is I hate liars and unhygienic people.

Favorite off-campus location: Favorite off campus location is downtown Atlanta at night time; it is a beautiful place to be.

Tried and true pickup line:
“Excuse me gorgeous can I ask you a question. Are your parents a baker? Cause you are such a cutie pie.”

What’s on your bucket list before graduation?
Attend a coachella concert

Most embarrassing moment:
When I fell down the stairs during a family reunion with batman tighty whites on. 
Get ready, ladies. This week’s campus cutie is a handfull. Not only is he a hot surfer, but he also has the sarcasm and attitude of one. Although he may come off strong, he is truly a gentleman. His sense of humor is just one way he shows off his hilarious personality. Get to know this campus cutie!

Brandon Buchalter
Hometown: Pensacola Beach, FL

Major: Event Management
Minor: Marketing

Relationship status: Single
Interests/hobbies: I love surfing, stand up paddle boarding (SUP), the guitar, and respecting women.
Clubs: I’m the philanthropy chair of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity and the event manager for the surf club.

What do you look for in a girl: I look for a woman in a girl.

Do you have any special talents: I can play guitar better than anyone.

Can you cook? What’s your favorite meal?
Yes; sushi all day.

Describe your perfect date:
A girl buying plane tickets to Hawaii, massaging me the whole plane ride there, and being served exotic foods as we fly across the Pacific Ocean to spend our days on a romantic, island-paradise get away. A boy can dream…

What do you want to do in the future?
I am going to be a surf/stand up paddle board event manager, and am going to travel around the globe developing the sport of SUP surfing.

What was your worst date ever?
I tried to bring a girl out to a bonfire. We made out in the dunes of an abandoned beach, but when we got there, she got way too drunk and threw up all over the fire.

Best date?
I blindfolded my old girlfriend on her birthday and took her to her favorite restaurant. Then blindfolded her again and walked her all the way to front and center seats of the Blue Man Group show at Universal Studios. I took off the blindfold right as the show started. 

Biggest turn on: A girl that can surf, skate, or speak in a full sentence.

What’s something that someone would never guess about you?
I can’t smell or taste.

What’s your most embarrassing story?
My friend pulled my shorts down while I was doing pull ups and wrapped my shorts around the bar below me, leaving me suspended and naked in the gym. It was senior citizen racquetball day so over 30 elderly people saw my goods, which lead to several awkward encounters with old women. 

 Joe Miller
Year: Sophomore
Major: Business
Relationship status: Ladies, this cutie is SINGLE!

Favorite place to eat on-campus: Coyote Jacks and Jamba Juice

What you do for fun on-campus:
I ride my bike and skate on-campus pretty much everyday. I am also the vice president of the surf club.

Favorite music:
I listen to a huge variety of music but, lately I’ve been listeing to a ton of Modest Mouse and the Black Keys.

Favorite movie:
I really like documentaries like 180 Degrees South and Exit Through the Gift Shop. I also grew up loving all Adam Sandler and Will Ferrel movies. I’m really psyched for Anchorman 2 to come out!

Talents: I cook, surf, snowboard, wakeboard, ride BMX, and skate.

What this cutie looks for in a girl:
Someonewho is real, fun, and easy goibg. Also, I like a girl who is down to try new things, go to new places, is funny, and attractive.

Ryan Duffy
Age: 22
Hometown: Apex, NC
Class Year: Senior
Major: Biology (pre-med)
Relationship Status: Single

When you’re not in the classroom, where can we find you on campus or in Boone?
In the library is always a safe bet. But I also spend a good bit of time at the soccer fields, the gym, and Boone Saloon.

What kind of doctor do you want to be and why?
I really want to be a pediatrician. I love working with kids and the lifestyle that it offers. I’ve also considered emergency medicine because of its intense nature and unpredictability. 

Describe yourself in three words:
Great, fantastic, excellent.

Biggest turn-on? Turn-off?
Turn on- Unique Style. Turn off- Facial Tattoos.

What are your guilty pleasures?
I enjoy a good chick flick every once in a while.

Describe your dream girl:
Smart, unpredictable, stylish.

What’s your favorite pickup line?
I can’t give that away on here, it’s too good.

Favorite position (take that as you will):
I’m going to have to go with the classic, under-appreciated, seated wheelbarrow.

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for a girl?
I don’t really have a good answer for this one. Maybe cook her dinner.. or I bought a girl a drink once.

Who are your celebrity crushes?
Zooey Deschanel, Mila Kunis, Natalie Portman.

Rohan Smith
Hometown: London
Year: Sophomore
Major: Photojournalism
Minor: Creative Writing and African Studies

Favorite Coldstone/ Sweet Frog Flavor: Cake Batter with almost every topping
Favorite place to study: Balcony at Student Stores that overlooks South Road

Fun Fact: I’ve been to over 15 different countries

Motto: “If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything.”

Anyone who has ever heard this campus cutie speak has definitely melted a little bit after hearing his gorgeous British accent. He enjoys photography, poetry and writing. This cutie looks and sounds like a character in a romantic comedy, and most importantly, he’s hilarious. We all want a guy with a British accent who likes poetry and can make us laugh right?

Favorite hobbies:
I play basketball, I play on the JV basketball team. It’s something I love to do. I like poetry, and I like to paint. I like painting people, faces. I haven’t painted in a while, but I love to do it. It’d be cool to be an artist. And I like to read, I love to read. I like to cook also. My favorite dish to make is curry chicken.

Campus Involvement:
I play JV basketball, I’m in EROT [Ebony Readers/Onyx Theatre] which is a spoken word poetry organization, Sigma Phi Fraternity. (We started the chapter here last spring.) I write for NextGen Journal, which is an online journal for students written by students across the country. Basically we write about a lot of stories that students care about, issues both nationally and globally. We write about political issues, sports, college issues … things like that.

Plans after college:
Pursue a career in writing and photography. Photography-wise, I’m interested in documenting real life stories. And I write poetry, so I’ll continue to write poetry. I like to write about tension when writing poetry, some kind of tension. It releases a lot, too.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years I see myself hopefully traveling the world and taking photographs, potentially for National Geographic, definitely a published poet/author of novels.

Favorite TV series:
Nip Tuck and The Wild. You have to watch The Wild! Its awesome. That’s my favorite show of all time.

Who’s your celebrity crush?
Hmm … Halle Berry. She’s so gorgeous. No matter how old she gets, she’s always going to be gorgeous. That’s the perfect woman.

If you could create your ideal woman, what would she be like?
She would be like my mother. She is 5’7,” she has a beautiful smile, she’s intelligent, artsy, down to earth, and she doesn’t put value on material things. Yeah, that’s my ideal woman.

What are your biggest turn-offs?
If girls are shallow and all they worry about are appearance and material things. That’s a huge turn-off.

Lastly, what is your ideal first date?
Dinner and go for a walk in the park if it’s a nice evening and it’s warm out. That way you really get to speak to someone you know?

Sam Brobeck
Nicknames: Brokeback
Hometown: Nashville, TN
Major/Minor: Political Science major, Religious Studies minor
Campus Involvement: Pike, Track , Cross Country, 2015 Class Council
Hobbies: Running, Rapping, Sports

Describe yourself in 3 words.
Laid-back, funny, athletic

How does your first kiss story go?
I had my first kiss with my 8th grade girlfriend in music class. We made sweet music together.

What is the biggest turnoff/deal breaker in a girl?
Lack of confidence. Someone who is not sure of herself.

What is/are the most attractive trait(s) in a girl?
Someone I can be myself around, someone who is adventurous and someone who makes me laugh.

What do you think is the most confusing thing about girls?
Sending mixed-signals. Acting one way one day and acting differently the next.

If you could be a girl for one day, what would be the first thing you do?
Make a move on Winn Decker.

If you had to cook for a girl, what would you make?
In the past I’ve made pasta for girls I’ve cooked for, so probably pasta.

What is the worst date you’ve ever been on?
I was visiting my ex-girlfriend at college, took her out to dinner, went back to her dorm room, and everything was fine. We decided to take a nap but when I woke up, she was gone and her best friend kicked me out. I haven’t seen her since.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Probably Rome because my sister went there recently and told me it was awesome.

Your favorite pick-up line.
“You’re so beautiful, that you made me forget my pick-up line.”

Cody Dawson
Major: Marine Biology
Hometown: Irvine, Calif.
Year: Senior

Hobbies: Tide pooling, pool, video games, watching sports, reading, hiking, and camping, of course.
Favorite thing about Humboldt State: It’s proximity to the ocean and forest. I like how far away from big cities we are.

Favorite quote: “Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live.” — Charles Bukowski

One interesting fact about you: I can eat a slice of pizza in one bite. It’s more disgusting than interesting really.

What’s your favorite song to sing in the shower?
I usually sing any song stuck in my head, but replace the lyrics with my own words…it always comes out sounding like garbage

Favorite thing to cook/eat?
To cook: it would have to be surf and turf. A nice big steak with some jumbo prawns on the side. To eat: probably mac n’ cheese.

What’s one thing you can’t live without? Beer

Zach Daniels
Major: History/Communication Studies
Year: Senior
Relationship Status: Single
Hometown: Fort Payne, Alabama

Interests: anything outdoors, spending time with friends and family and my dog

An Interesting Fact: Huge Baltimore Ravens fan. Try to go to at least 3 games every season in Baltimore, MD

Tuscaloosa Involvement: Habitat for Humanity and Big Brothers Big Sisters

What song on your iPod is on repeat?
Anything Mumford and Sons

If people were to give you a superlative, what do you think it would be?
Most Surprising

What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
I’m terrible at math and I’m a stickler when at work. Don’t try to use a fake ID when I’m working the door at 1831!

What do you look for in a girl?
Good personality, nice smile and good laugh, honesty

What is the most confusing thing that girls do?
Not every girl is the same so you just have to get a feel for their own personality.

Do you have a favorite pickup line? If so, what is it?
Don’t use pick up lines. Just be yourself 

What is your idea of a perfect date?
Depends really on the situation. I love to cook so I would like to cook for my date and sit down and have some good conversation and laughs.

Would you rather have her make the first move or are you a traditional boy?
Traditional through and through

What is your best memory of Alabama/Tuscaloosa and why?
People that I have met and the Tide winning 2 National Championship

If you could only bring 3 things on a deserted island, what would they be?
My black lab, any book by Mitch Albom, and a phone to call for help

Marcus Shibler
Grade: Senior
Major: Political Science, minor in Philosophy
Hometown: Lodi, CA (wine country)
Relationship Status: Single

How did you get involved with the Davis College Republicans (DCR)?
I am a junior transfer. At my junior college, I was founder and president of the SJDC Republicans. Before I was accepted into Davis, it was my intention to lead the College Republicans chapter at whichever school I chose to go to. The first meeting I attended, I made it clear that I was disappointed at the unsuccessful operation of the group. Within a couple weeks, I was asked to take over. After much work, we are now fairly large and a force to be reckoned with. The way I see it, it is not a hobby that I toy with every once in a while; rather, I think it is a way of life. It is my very strong opinion that our future depends entirely on the direction this country is going. I intend to do everything within my power to help people understand what is necessary to put this country on the right track. I am a profound supporter of liberty. At one point, I thought juggling DCR and school was a challenge, then I got involved with the Davis Marksmanship Society, the Ayn Rand Society, and was hired to run a political campaign.

What was it like commenting on the infamous pepper spray incident on Fox News?
I interviewed on Fox News Channel, Fox 40, KCRA, and other radio stations and websites. Appearing on these media outlets was fairly stressful at first, as it was the first time I had ever done so. After Fox, it became much easier and I was able to passionately focus on reaching out to anybody and everybody who would listen. DCR and I believe that it is our responsibility to represent the other side of the controversy regarding the pepper spray incident. We don’t like students getting sprayed any more than anybody else; however, we do believe that the occupiers who were sprayed were fully aware of their actions and entirely in control of the outcome of that day. I believe that people must take responsibility for their own actions, regardless of whether or not it is convenient. If you surround police officers, exclaim that you will not let them leave, and then bar them from doing so, you must take responsibility for the consequences.

Is it stressful being the campaign manager for Duane Chamberlain?
I was recently hired to manage the Yolo County Supervisor campaign for Duane Chamberlain, along with Dustin Call. We are working together to ensure that Duane is reelected, as we believe he is the obvious choice for the position. It has been stressful as a result of the time commitment and responsibility. The new position has been a sharp learning curve, but we are definitely making things happen and intend to come away with a victory for Duane. We have opened our campaign headquarters and are ready to rock and roll. We will be hiring a number of students to help us reach out to voters throughout the campaign. What are my responsibilities? Well, picture everything that must be done to run a political campaign. TV ads, dealing with the press, fundraising, gloriously walking precincts, and everything else.

What are your plans after you graduate?
It is my intention to attend the UCDC program, where I will intern either for the Cato Institute (leading libertarian think tank) or the Heritage Foundation (the world’s foremost conservative think tank). Ideally, I will be hired to remain on staff after my internship and then pursue law school. As I often say, I intend to lobby so I can yell at the top of my lungs that the federal government has reached too deeply into our lives and must give liberty and self-accountability back to Americans.

Most embarrassing moment?
Well, I like to think that I don’t have embarrassing moments; sadly, this is not the case. I haven’t ever publicly shared this with anybody, but here goes… During my first kiss, I managed to slip and fall in the mud. She won’t let me live that one down.

Plans for Valentine’s Day?
Well, as I don’t actually have any glorious plans for the day, Singles Awareness Day will be spent in five classes, racquetball practice, studying for upcoming midterms, and somehow spending time at work.

Who do you look up to and why?
I look up to my father. He was born into an income-challenged family, had a full time job at 14 and carried the burden of three jobs at my age in order to support his new family. He has earned every penny that he has, learned many lessons the hard way, and I respect that. If it weren’t for him, I would be learning my own lessons the hardest way, rather than learning by his counsel. It is due to him that I am able to have such a profound passion for the American Dream and understand what it takes to have responsibility for my own future. He also helped me establish the intensity I have for taking care of those I love.

What is something most people don’t know about you?
I love to cook in my spare time. I don’t mean the run-of-the-mill college student making “fancy” pasta. I mean that there is nothing better than spending an evening preparing something excellent, like a slow-roasted pork tenderloin or steak thrown over a bed of wild rice, with a rich wine sauce drizzled over the top. I enjoy cooking for a group of friends and cracking open a bottle of wine. On that note, I also grew up in wine country and have spent many hours working in wineries, learning how to make and bottle wine. It is a special privilege to crush fruit, barrel it into wine, bottle it, and bring it home to open with a nice dinner.

A QUICKIE (survey) with the Campus Cutie:

Favorite Color: Burgundy, like a deep, rich, red wine

Celeb Crush: Nobody in particular, but I am pretty sure one of those striking brunettes would make the list (Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, etc..)

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Rocky Road or a good Cookie Dough

Favorite Athlete: Nobody by name, but have you seen world-renowned parkour artists? I would say that jumping off a two or three story building and living to tell the tale is pretty darned impressive.

Dream Vacation: The dream vacation is not necessarily confined to a specific place, but more a specific person. The perfect vacation is a burden-free getaway with the right girl, to a nice, quiet place.

Giants or Patriots? Not a football guy, going to be honest. Couldn’t really care less about the teams. But I do competitively play racquetball, if that gets me something.

Favorite Feature in a Girl? Fire. Nothing can beat a girl that challenges me and keeps me on my toes.

And most importantly, Boxers or Briefs? Boxer briefs

Maxence Leconte 
Age: 21
Class Year: Junior
Hometown: France
Living: Loyola Village
Major: History
Relationship Status: It’s a secret;)

Why did you choose USF?
I wanted to be on the West Coast. It came down to USF and Santa Clara, but I chose USF because I wanted to be in the city of San Francisco.

Favorite thing about USF:
The people and the atmosphere at the school are really great.

Dream job: French teacher in the U.S.

Three fun facts: I have a twin sister, I’m colorblind, and I love to cook.

What do you look for in a girl? I like a girl who is outgoing and a lot of fun.

Any celebrity crushes? Not at all. In my opinion, when you don’t know someone it’s hard to have a crush on them.

If you could trade places with anyone, who would it be?
A famous photographer because you get to travel a lot, which is great. Also, you get to see the world from a different point of view, through your art and the people you meet.

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
Cartier Bresson, a French photographer, because I really love his work and he made a revolution in photography. He took photos the way he lived, as if everything was a “decisive moment”.

Brandon Barber 
Age: 22
Hometown: Grand Forest, North Dakota 
Relationship status: Taken

Major/why you chose it: Construction management. To make money
Interests: Rock climbing, nature hiking

TV shows: Friends, Family Guy
Music: Indie
Movies: Armageddon, Donnie Darko

Ideal girlfriend: Amy Brown
Perfect date: Any with Amy Brown

Favorite thing about UF: The students and the atmosphere

One interesting thing about you: “I am an amazing cook.”

Where you see yourself in 10 years: Colorado

Campbell Delahoyde 
Nicknames: Soup
Hometown: Monument, Colorado
Major/Minor: International Studies, might minor in German

Campus Involvement: Swim, Pike, drive the golf cart for work study
Hobbies: hiking, skiing, outdoor activities, lighting things on fire, food enthusiastic

Describe yourself in 3 words.
Pigeon-footed, fairly sarcastic and entertaining

What is the biggest turnoff/deal breaker in a girl?
If they are liars.

What is/are the most attractive trait(s) in a girl?
Humor, they got to be outgoing,

What do you think is your most attractive feature?
 It is weird but people like my eyelashes.

What do you think is the most confusing thing about girls?
Oh god, I could write an essay. I would have to say, mixed signals in general.

If you could be a girl for one day, what would be the first thing you do?
Go to a pool in skimpy bikini.

Do you have any hidden talents?
I can cook and I can do things with my toes. I have monkey toes. I once played computer Solitaire with my toes.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I think I would go to Prague. I thoroughly enjoy Europe; I think it would be fun. There is a museum of ancient intimate human interaction items that I would like to go to.

What is your favorite pick-up line?
“I heard the world is ending tomorrow, what are you doing tonight?”

What are you future goals/ambitions?
World domination of course. But on a serious note, I do want to work for the government at some point. And own a big house with a lot of land so I can own a lot of dogs.

What is your most embarrassing confession?
In Germany, I was learning to how to drive stick and I stalled on a one way road and there were cars honking and people yelling at me in German. I didn’t know what to do so I had to have my mom drive instead.

Steven Hough
Hometown: Fremont, CA
Major: Biological Sciences
Graduation Date: 2014
DOB: January 10, 1992
RelationshipStatus: Single
Contact: On facebook

Fun Facts

FavoriteQuote: “Everything I’m not makes me everything I am.”
– Kanye West “Everything I Am”

Celebrity Crush: Jamie Chung

Extracurricular Activities:
I am president of Alpha Lambda Delta Honors Society, a member in a few health career and community outreach organizations on campus, work in a laboratory at Loma Linda University, and a committee member on a couple of councils around campus.

I ride a fixed gear bike and really use that as my major form of stress release. I also couldn’t image life without music. I’m kind of a nerd too and really enjoy going to museums, zoos, and aquariums. I play soccer with friends and cook, but at the end of the day, I really enjoy just hanging out.

Favorite Chick Flick: Titanic

What are 3 words that describe your personality? Ambitious , witty, and reserved

What are your plans after college? I plan on going to medical school, becoming an Oncologist and hopefully moving back to the Bay Area.

Getting to Know Steven

What is one of your pet peeves and why does it bother you?
The thing that really gets on my nerves is when people make noises while I’m trying to concentrate. Whether it is loud gum chewing or heavy breathing, if I can’t concentrate it bothers me to no end.

What is the most confusing thing a girl can do?
The most confusing thing a girl can do is to assume that I know exactly what she’s thinking. It bugs me when girls know exactly what they want or where they want to go but yet they say they don’t know just to see if I can guess right. I don’t see the fun in that, especially when I guess wrong.

What do you think about girls “playing hard to get?”Are you against it or for it?
I think to an extent it is really nice. If a girl doesn’t make me work at least a little, it comes off as if they might be too “easy.” On the other hand though, if they play too hard to get, I usually get the impression that they just aren’t interested. It is very nice to at least get a clear message whether they’re into you too or not because that, for me, tells me whether I should try to pursue or not.

Which traits in a girl will sweep you off your feet (and possibly make you want to introduce her to your friends/family)? Why?
I think the most important traits in a girl are ambition, politeness, and just a good personality in general. An ambitious girl who has her own plan and is working hard to get to it is amazing because it is nice to be around people who appreciate long-term goals and dreams. Politeness is important mostly just because there are so many people (girls and guys included) nowadays that are just rude and I’m not a fan of all that. Finally, a “good” personality just includes traits that make me want to hang out with them all of the time and knowing that they are a genuine person.

What are some major “turn-offs” in girls?
Girls who cheat. They’re the worst and they give all girls a bad reputation. Lying is another HUGE turn-off. If I’m going to date a girl, I’m going to be a hundred percent honest with them and expect the same in return. Girls who are sloppy, try too hard to get attention, or always have to be in the spotlight are also some big turn-offs.

What is your ideal perfect date?
My ideal date would be with someone who is nice, funny, and cute and where conversation flowed so easily that I wouldn’t even have to think about it. I like doing unique things, so even though the dinner and a movie sort of thing is nice once in awhile, I’d much rather head out near the bay (I’m from the San Francisco area and love the city) and look at the water and lights of the city on the waterfront while trying a tiny hole-in-the-wall eatery. I really like when the girl chips into planning a little bit too because I like doing things that both of us have never done. It makes it more exciting.

Do you believe in love? If so, what is love to you?
Yes, I believe in love. To me, love is the feeling you get when you wish every second you spend with someone won’t end. Also, love is when the thought of the person instantly makes you happy no matter what you were feeling beforehand. I think that if you see someone and get butterflies when you see them, even after you’ve known them or been with them for a long time, I believe that’s love.

Why should girls date you and what makes you different from any other guy?
I am honest, down to earth, and just enjoy being around people. I can get out and have a good time, but I can also stay in and relax. I am good listener and I always help out anyone who needs it. I am the “sensitive” type of guy that just enjoys making the girl I’m dating happy. I love doing new things and dating me wouldn’t be boring or cookie-cutter. I’m not the typical d-bag college guy and I respect girls the way they should be respected.

Kema Christian-Taylor is a senior at Harvard University concentrating in English with a citation in Spanish.  As an aspiring novelist, she constantly jots down ideas on anything she can get her hands on—including paper napkins.  She has been dancing since age 3 and has choreographed for two shows her freshman and junior years in college.  Even though it means leaving behind her sunny home in Houston, Texas, Kema loves to travel and has been to every continent except Antarctica. Things she cannot live without include the Harry Potter series, Berryline, Pretty Little Liars, the Hunger Games, 90s music, and soy chai lattes.