Is it concerning that when asked to recommend or describe a book people turn to catchphrases like âenemies to loversâ, and nothing else?
Want to get into romance books but donât know what books to read or where to start? Here are my top three recommendations, plus some others depending on what...
Why two of film's most easily identifiable characters resonate with one another, and how audiences see the same man in different fonts.
When you're picky with a genre, you need to know exactly what tropes you enjoy. For me, that genre is romance, and that trope is friends to lovers.
*removes glasses* âOmg you were so pretty all along!â
Techno-Orientalism. Technology and Orientalism. These two concepts make sense on their own, but when put together, one begins to wonder how these two seemingly different topics could intersect or...
As I started to research more about this theme, I began to wonder why and how we became so obsessed with this idea of a struggling, self-destructive artist. Why...
Fanfiction isnât unoriginal. In fact, it is the most creative way to be a fan.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.Book tropes have been around for a very long time, especially in the romance genre....