With the right strategies, you can stay focused, fight procrastination and tackle your workload efficiently. Using these 8 techniques built for your success, you can be an academic weapon...
Her Campus at Cal Poly
Winter Quarter Study Hacks: How to Stay Focused and Beat Procrastination
Her Campus at Mizzou
Top 5 Study Habits to Help You Survive Finals Week
Academic excellence is one of the most rewarding and draining feelings in a student’s life. The constant pressure to be the smartest and most knowledgeable for each exam, final,...
Her Campus at UCD
How I Study
As we unwind from week nine here at UC Davis, we are in full swing and in our academic focus for week ten. For most students, primarily STEM students...
Her Campus at Cal Poly
How to Prioritize Self-Care This Final Season
With this upcoming final season, it is important to prioritize self-care to be at your best when taking the exams.
Her Campus at Waterloo
4 Study Techniques to Start Using in the New Year
I compiled some effective study techniques that can strengthen your understanding of concepts for when exam season rolls around!