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Articles Tagged With: Harper Lee
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Thank You Harper Lee

There comes a time in every student’s life where the teacher will announce the next book to be read in class. Each book on the syllabus...

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Thank You, Harper Lee

If only I could tell you how much I appreciate all that you've done in literature.

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A Tribute to Harper Lee

Literature, like all other forms of art, has a great impact on readers' personal lives and on our history as a society. Writers have a...

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Thank You, Ms. Lee

It is difficult to write about your hero. It’s especially difficult to write about your hero knowing that they have won the Pulitzer Prize...

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9 Picture-Perfect Harper Lee Quotes

Hey, collegiettes. You've probably heard the news. It's everywhere, as it usually is when someone beloved as passed on. This time it was...

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Lessons from Harper Lee

Harper Lee. Doesn’t that name sound familiar? It takes you back to your High School days in English class. Oh, that’s right! She was the...