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Articles Tagged With: banner
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DIY: School Pennant

It is Homecoming Week! Everyone on campus is wearing school colors, enjoying Student Government-led activities with their friends, and...

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UW banner

We love how much this banner represents our values! How do you define being a Warrior?

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Greek Week As Told By 30 Rock

Now that Greek Week is over we can all take a step back and laugh about the insanity that has just occurred. All of the tears, laughter,...

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Apartment Therapy: Valentine’s Day

Any holiday is reason enough to change up your apartment. With a few adorable Valentine’s Day themed additions get your place ready for...

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An Interview with TFM Rep Banner White

Banner White, a junior at Bucknell University, is fabulously known for leading his Chi Phi troops at Greek Sing this past semester. Now, in...