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Aerie’s New Unretouched Swim Campaign is Everything the Fashion Industry Needs

The fashion industry’s advertising campaigns often boast images of women with airbrushed faces and photoshopped bodies, which not only creates an impossible standard of beauty but also instills a sense of shame into young women who look any different. Luckily, Aerie is here to change that!

The brand is at it again for the second year with its “Love The Swim You’re In” campaign, which features all unretouched photos of women rocking the new line of suits. All of these photos show women how they truly are, cellulite and all. It’s basically the best swimsuit advertising you’ll ever see!

Not only is Aerie promoting body positivity with its new Happy Swim line, but the brand is also donating $1 (up to $10,000) to the National Eating Disorders Association every time someone posts a photo using the hashtag #AerieREAL.

I don’t know about you, but I’m about to go grab a new Aerie suit and snap a pic just to support this incredible movement. Love your bodies, ladies!

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Taylor Petschl

Cal Poly '18

Taylor Petschl is a Cal Poly SLO alum and is currently attending Boston University for graduate school. She is a former campus correspondent and editorial intern for Her campus!