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14 Campus Cuties Who Love When You Make the First Move


Name: Ryan Amspacher
School: Villanova
Year: 2014
Major: Econ
Hometown: Morris Plains, NJ
Relationship status: Single


Do you have any siblings?
Two. I have an 18 year old brother who goes to Villanova as well, and I have a younger sister who’s 8 years old.

Which one’s your favorite? 
That’s hard. I have to say my little sister. We’re tight. All three of us hung out this entire summer at the beach because my brother and I are both sailing instructors and my little sister was one of our kids. So we were like her coach. It was the coolest thing ever.

So you sail, do you do any other extracurriculars?
I play rugby, I’m actually captain this year.

What’s your rugby nickname?
Delbarton. It was my high school, and I guess I was wearing all Delbarton gear during my first day of practice. Compared to some of the other nicknames, it’s not too bad. We have some pretty clever ones though.

What do you look for in a girl?
Definitely personality. I look for a girl who’s really bubbly and wants to have fun.

How about physically?
The first thing I always notice is smile. A nice, bright smile where you know a girl has really good character. I also prefer wavy brown hair.

What don’t you like in a girl?
When she’s fake. Absolute turn off. A fake laugh is the easiest indicator. If there’s even the slightest sign that she’s fake then I’m gone.                                            

What’s your idea of the perfect date? 
Depends. How well do I know this girl?

Let’s say you’ve liked her for a while and it’s finally happening and you’re psyched about it. Go. 
Hmm. Well, the setting would definitely be the beach. Where I live in Long Beach Island during the summer, there’s a long path that leads up to a lighthouse, so we’d walk along that and see the waves crash against the inlets and watch the fishing boats…it’s just a classic beach scene. When you turn around on the path, there’s a sandy shore where people arrange the rocks to say different things. So I’d probably rearrange the rocks in advance to make a heart with our initials in it to surprise her.

That would be in the afternoon because after, I’d have dinner planned at this restaurant called Boathouse. It’s super classy, the waiters are dressed to the nines and it oversees the bay and everything. Ideally the sun would be setting as we eat and we’d have a great dinner. Maybe after that we’d go on a night walk on the beach. And at the end of the date? Kiss on the cheek. That is my perfect date.

That is pretty perfect. Where do you normally meet girls you like?
Never at a party. I refuse to meet a girl at a party. I would rather meet a girl in class, walk around, lunch, community service…any of those activities. I won’t even talk to a girl I like at a party.

Would you rather find love through friendship or love at first sight?
Love through friendship. I feel like you have to have the base of friendship first and it means so much more when you go to the next step. Love at first sight starts off shallow. Starting off as a friend and it’ll work better.

What do you think about a girl making first move?
Always a good thing. I think guys should take the initiative…if a girl makes the first move and the guy makes moves 2 3 4 6…I mean I’m a shy guy, so that helps me out a lot.

So, what’s your favorite…
Thing about Villanova: Probably just the people. That’s really corny, but everyone’s really nice.
Part about living in the apartments:Cooking, hands down. My first night here I cooked dinner for two of the RAs.
Meal to cook: Breakfast, actually. I like cooking dinner because it’s different every time, but I like to go back to breakfast.
It’s easy, you can’t mess it up, and it’s always good.
Movie: Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies of all time.
Video game: I’d have to say Super Smash Brothers or Mario kart. I like the older ones.
TV show: Burn Notice.
90s cartoon: Rugrats.
Book turned movie: Lord of the Rings. I prefer a book to a film version, though. With the book you add your own element to it, the movie is always someone else’s vision.
Book you’ve ever read: Tale of Two Cities. A lot of people don’t like it but I just loved it for some reason.
Gatorade flavor: Lemon Lime, that’s easy. What do you call it though, do you call it yellow or green?

I call it yellow. 
See, I call it green because when you hold it up next to yellow or green things, it looks more green. It’s a big debate.

Who was your favorite teacher?
Linda Boettcher. She taught ACS, she’s my advisor now.

Did you like ACS?
Loved it. I really liked the philosophical aspect, and I liked reading the books…and I got to talk. It was good.

A Walk to Remember or The Notebook:
I don’t hate The Notebook, but I like the classic boy meets girl they get together and fall in love and then she dies… I mean he could have moved on, it was high school. But he still loved her and stayed with her. That speaks to me way more than, “oh the guy built a house.” I love Rachel McAdams, but still. I think the only redeeming part of The Notebook is when they both die in the bed, but in the book that doesn’t happen, so it isn’t even Nicholas spark’s idea. Plus, A Walk to Remember has an awesome soundtrack.

Fair points. What kind of music do you listen to?
Classic rock. I really like Tom Petty. “Free Fallin” and “American Girl” are total classics.

What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Anything if it was mint chocolate chip.

Would you dance naked on the quad in Main?
Probably. But at that point it has to be mint chocolate chip.

What else would make you dance naked on the quad in Main?
My grandma’s apple pie. That’s a really weird thing to do for your grandma’s apple pie.

What would you get at Hope’s Cookies?
I would just get a sugar cookie. Snickerdoodle would be a go-to choice, but no one tops my grandma’s snickerdoodles. I don’t eat anybody else’s snickerdoodles…or apple pie…and no peanut butter cookies from anyone else…I’m so loyal to my grandma.

What’s one thing no one knows about you: My first langue was Spanish. I had a Spanish babysitter and my first word was “agua.” I don’t really remember it now, though.

Friends or Seinfeld:Friends. Seinfeld is good but I’ve been watching Friends since I was younger.

New years or Halloween:
Halloween. I love getting dressed up and going out. And for the record, I would rather see a girl in something funny and ironic than a slutty Halloween costume any day.

Perfect weekend:
It starts Saturday morning. I’d get up and have an early game of rugby, have after game festivities, then after get dinner with a bunch of friends and then go out that night. Then wake up Sunday morning, make myself some breakfast with a few friends, usually guy friends casually. And then we’d probably just hang out…bro out with a bunch of guys. Minimal girl time, but I went to an all guys school and I’m very loyal to my friends.


 Chris Rapka

School: Barnard
Class Year:

 Political Science & Economics

 Deerfield Beach, FL

Relationship Status:
 In a relationship


On-Campus Activities: 
 Relay for Life Committee Member, work at Dodge, make cookies & waffles
Off-Campus Activities:
 Run in Central Park, visit museums, and catch a Knicks or Yankees game

Most embarrassing moment:
I still don’t know how to use chopsticks

What are you most proud of about yourself:
 Meeting so many great people at this school

Top three pastimes: 
 Football, golf, walking my dog

Where do you see yourself in ten years?
 Happy. That’s all that matters to me 

Have you ever been in love? Not yet

Describe your ideal girl: Compassionate, mature, silly
, hot

Hot or Not:

Girls Making the first move? Hot

Girls who Fake Tan? 
Definitely Not
Girls with Tattoos? 
Minimal is ok
Girls with Piercings?



Name: Michael Bortnick
School: Conn College
Year: 2014
Hometown: Wellesley, MA
Relationship Status: Single
Major: Economics


What are you involved with at Conn?
I don’t do all that much. I’m involved with club basketball, club broomball, and have been part of the Pegotty Investment Club.

What is your most treasured possession in your dorm room? 
My snacks. I’m constantly hungry.

Movie: Tough one but I’ve gotta go with Shawshank Redemption
Book: Glass Castle
Musical Artist: J. Cole

Who is your celebrity crush and why?
Toss-up between Mila Kunis and Kristen Bell. They’re both gorgeous and seem down to Earth.

What do you look for in a girl?
I know its cliché to say but personality is really important. Someone that is willing to laugh at my jokes and put up with me eating 2-3 plates per meal at Harris would be a keeper. Also, a cute face doesn’t hurt.

Blondes, brunettes, or redheads? 
I don’t discriminate.

Biggest turn-on?
A playful touch on the arm.

What’s your greatest fear?
Relinquishing my title of this week’s “campus cutie.” I’m taking this very seriously. It will likely go on my resumé.

If you were a food, what would you be?
Pasta with grilled chicken. My go-to Harris meal. I guess that’s two foods. Sorry.

How did you become such a huge fan of Conn’s field hockey team and volleyball team? 
Well my neighbors freshman year played on the field hockey team and they were really the first people to talk to me at Conn so I’m appreciative for that. I also just enjoy sports in general so I try to go to as many field hockey games as possible. As for volleyball, I think the games are a lot of fun to go to but my favorite team at Conn will always be field hockey. At Conn I do prefer women’s sports.

Is it a turn-on if the girl makes the first move? 
Yeah, don’t be shy.

Guilty pleasure:
Bottled water.

If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be?
Rick Ross


Name: Jamie Dowling
School: William & Mary
Year: 2015
Major: Undecided
Hometown: Ridgefield, CT


Music Style: Rap and Country

Favorite Movies: “The Departed,” “True Grit,” and “Drive”

Greatest accomplishment: I played in an intramural basketball game once.

Where can you be found on a typical weekend? Paul’s

Have any pets? I used to have cats. 

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Play any instruments? Guitar

Play any sports? No

Ideal Girl

Hair color: Light brown
Tall or short: Tall
Nice eyes or nice smile: Smile
Girl in sweats or in a dress: Dress
Best thing a girl can wear? Sundress
What do you prefer, a girl who plays an instrument or a sport? Sport

Night in or night out?  Night out

If you could have any super power, what would it be? Superhuman strength

Most annoying phrases girls say? “Wait, is that racist?”

Pet names – cute or annoying? Annoying

How do you feel about PDA? Fine

Romantic or thriller movie when you take a girl out on a date: Thriller

Girliest movie you’ve ever watched?: Mean Girls

If you could add an event to the triathlon, what would it be? Spend the night in the Swem basement bathroom.

If a girl makes the first move, do you like it or not? I’m open to it.

What song would you sing when serenading a girl? Señorita


Name: Ethan Baker
School: William & Mary
Year: 2016
Major: Music/Business
Hometown: Bowling Green, Kentucky


Music Style: R&B, Motown, and any guys with guitars (Andy Grammer or Jason Mraz or Mat Kearney)

Favorite Movies: Lion King, Brother Where Art Thou, Happy Gilmore, Matilda

Greatest accomplishment: Getting into the Stairwells.  In high school, my a cappella group made it into a competition hosted by Andy Grammer, and we made it really far. Snuck into the crypt and have done two-thirds of the triathlon.

Where can you be found on a typical weekend? Playing the piano and writing heart-wrenching love ballads in the basement of Ewell.

Describe your typical day at W&M: I wake up, go get breakfast, go to classes, hang out with friends, then go to the gym, dinner, stairwells practice, and then Swem. So pretty much the typical day of everyone else on campus.

Have any pets? One dog named Teddy. Brittany Spaniel.

Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving, by far. My mom is one of eleven, and my dad is one of seven, so I have a giant family. We all meet out in a pavilion on my family’s land and have a huge Southern style home cooked meal.

Play any instruments? Piano, ukulele, and of course, singing.

Play any sports? I did Cross County in high school and I play ultimate frisbee. Not on the team here though.

Ideal Girl

Hair color: Brunette.
Tall or short: Hopefully not taller than me…somewhat in the middle.
Nice eyes or nice smile: Nice eyes, definitely.
Girl in sweats or in a dress: I would say a dress…but it can be either. It’s good to be able to rock both.
Worst thing a girl can wear? When they try to go out looking super bougie, wearing super short skirts/shorts. I prefer classy.
Best thing a girl can wear? When they can wear a flannel and some semi-high waisted shorts.
What do you prefer, a girl who plays an instrument or a sport? Instrument. A girl that can play guitar well hits me deep.
Least favorite thing about girls at W&M? They TWAMP too hard…
First thing you notice about a girl? If she’s happy. As in, she comes off as pleasant.

Night in or night out? Night out

If you could have any super power, what would it be? Mind reading. Except I did want to be Flash as a kid.

Ideal first date? Sonic drive thru, always a great start. Something just off the wall. Like Bingo Night at the old folks home.

Random hookups or meaningful relationship? Ideally, a meaningful relationship. I like having a girl as a best friend before anything.

Most annoying phrases girls say? When they search for compliments. When they use LOL in real life. If it was really an LOL moment, they should be laughing.

Favorite thing about William & Mary: “I like the sandwich ladies at Sadler. I’m pretty sure we’ll be best friends by the end of the year.”

Pet names – cute or annoying? Depends. The “boogie-woogie-shnookum” stuff, no. It has to be classy. Like in Casa Blanca he calls the girl “sport.” Babe is good too.

Romantic or thriller movie when you take a girl out on a date: I would much rather have a RomCom. I can try to act manly but I hate scary movies.

Girliest movie you’ve ever watched? The Katy Perry movie. I went and saw it twice in theaters, and proceeded to jam to her album the rest of the summer. It was bad, but so good.

If you had one last day to live, what would you do? Go fishing with my brothers, and then probably hang out by the pool in the backyard with my family and have a cookout.

If you could add an event to the triathlon, what would it be? Catch a squirrel. Those things are legitimately insane.

If a girl makes the first move, do you like it or not? I do, definitely. I’m not that forward and frank about stuff and I always think I’m gonna mess up the first move.

What song would you sing when serenading a girl? So Sick – Ne-Yo

Name: Avi Sachs
Year: 2016
School: William & Mary
Major: Either Chemistry or Biology
Hometown: Annandale, Virginia


Music Style: A lot of things, a huge fan of hip hop. Which is ironic since I’m a white guy from the burbs. Alternative rock. Electronic and classical too, but mostly the first two.

Favorite Movies: A lot of cerebral movies and heist movies: Snatch and Black Swan are two good examples.

Greatest accomplishment: I’ve gotten two summer internships at the National Cancer Institute. It’s one of the most important things I’ve done. Other than that, I’m an Eagle Scout. That’s kinda chill.

Where can you be found on a typical weekend? Hanging out in Barrett, going out with friends, hanging out on campus with a smile on my face. Hanging out at swem..rarely.

Describe your typical day at W&M: Wake up, go to my 9ams, work hard through classes (or at least attempt to), play Fifa with friends, go to swem and get work done, then go home and watch movies or tv. I also spend a lot of time in my research lab for bio.

Have any pets? Nope. My mom is terrified of animals. I used to have a lot of goldfish.

Favorite Holiday: Big fan of Passover. Passover is pretty chill. Thanksgiving too, lot’s of food and family.

Play any instruments? I do, actually. I played piano for 10 years and also trumpet. I picked up ukulele. And I also fiddle around with guitar. Ukulele and piano are my top two

Play any sports? I was a track runner in high school.

Ideal Girl

Hair color: Brunette, definitely.
Tall or short: Not too tall, maybe a bit shorter than me
Nice eyes or nice smile: Eyes are a huge kicker for me. I like big, brown eyes
Girl in sweats or in a dress: Ooohh, that’s a tough question. Obviously dress but there’s a certain appeal to a girl in sweats. But I’ll go with dress, the classier side of it.

Worst thing a girl can wear? I’m really not into Goth. It’s a tough one for me to figure out. But respect to those people. Anything studded….too edgy for me.

Best thing a girl can wear? Hipster kind of girls.

What do you prefer, a girl who plays an instrument or a sport? Definitely instrument. Music speaks to the soul, it says something.

Least favorite thing about girls at W&M? They walk around in these little clusters, and it’s very intimidating.

First thing you notice about a girl? Eyes.

Night in or night out? Night out, most def.

If you could have any super power, what would it be? It would be cool to turn into any animal. Pretty useful one I would say.

Ideal first date? I like going out an seeing things. Maybe going to the zoo or art museum, and then lunch at a cafe. Definitely not a movie, that’s such a cop out.

Random hookups or meaningful relationship? Meaningful relationship. That’s what every guy really wants…or else you’re not a real man.

Most annoying phrases girls say? It’s not really phrases, but the constant abbreviations of stuff.  Things like “obvi” or “adorbs.” Adorbs is the worst.

Favorite thing about William & Mary: It’s a really beautiful, rustic campus. I’m not really down with the whole southern university, but W&M isn’t like that.

Pet names – cute or annoying? No good.

How do you feel about PDA?
Uhh, I don’t know. People can kind of do what they want. It’s way worse in high school when it’s physically blocking your movement. If you want to express yourself and you’re in love or think you’re in love, I won’t stop you. Personally, I’d opt for a more private option.

Romantic or thriller movie when you take a girl out on a date: No doubt, thriller. I hate rom-coms, I can’t do them. I’ll tolerate a rom com if i have to, but if I’m choosing it’ll be a thriller.

Girliest movie you’ve ever watched?
The one girly movie I’ve ever watched is Mean Girls. And that was back when Lindsay Lohan was hot.

If you had one last day to live, what would you do?
I definitely want to see the bottom of the ocean. I wanna know what’s going on down there! That could end really horribly though.

If you could add an event to the triathlon, what would it be? 
Stealing a petrie dish from the ISC.

If a girl makes the first move, do you like it or not?
Oh, absolutely! It makes my job a lot easier. Like I said earlier, I’m not super reserved but I’m also not in your face.

What song would you sing when serenading a girl? Either More Than Words – Extreme or Mack the Knife – Bobby Darin

Samurai or ninja: Definitely samurai. Ninja’s are cool but they lack honor. 


Name: Chris Gennaro
Nickname: Dr. C&B
Hometown: Saco, Maine
School: U Maine
Relationship Status: Single
Sign: Cancer


Campus Life

Major: Marketing
Favorite thing about UMaine: Snow Days
How are you involved on campus: Intern with the Football Team
Favorite place to eat in Orono: Margaritas
Best Class: Law and Society
Worst Class: Strategic Management
How do you like to spend your weekends here: I usually go out with some friends trying to  pick up girls but it almost always fails miserably and we end up getting pizza.


What’s on your ipod’s top rated: I’m Awesome by Spouse & Jay-Z’s entire Black Album. I relate to both of them so well.
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
An embarrassing confession: I get very nervous around pretty girls.
Ski or Snowboard: Ski
What are you plans for Summer: Hopefully I get an adult job, but if not I’ll be working at the Lobster Claw in Saco and playing golf.
Salty or Sweet: Sweet
Dream job: Saving puppies & kittens from abusive homes and giving them to families where they can be loved.
Biggest Pet Peeve: Bro Stories
Three words to describe yourself: Gentleman, Scholar, (and I guess now) Cute



Favorite Barstool Segment: “Milton’s Pimp My Look” because I need some new clothes.
Favorite Quote: “You know how they say we only use 10 percent of our brains? I think we only use 10 percent of our hearts.” -John Beckwith
Favorite song to dance to at a party: My Humps by The Black Eyed Peas
Favorite food: Burritos
Favorite sports team(s): New England Patriots
Favorite Beer: Budweiser Light (haven’t tried the Platinum kind yet…not sure if I’m ready)
Favorite App (game or otherwise): Fruit Ninja 

The Nitty Gritty

Craziest place you’ve ever had sex: At the drive-in movies in the back of my SUV while Kung Fu Panda 2 was playing in the background.
How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: I’m not what you’d call ‘smooth” around the ladies, so I usually just stare at a girl awkwardly until she either tells me to stop or she walk away.
What do you want girls to know about you: I think girls look for three things in a guy: his attractiveness, a great sense of humor, and money. I can offer you two of the three.
What do you look for in a girl: A girl that is smart, witty, and willing to make the first move.
Deal-breaker: If she ”knows” a lot of guys on the football team.
Celebrity Crush: Kaley Cuoco. (Penny from Big Bang Theory)


School: St. Ambrose
Year in school: junior
Hometown: Ottawa, Illinois
Major: economics, finance


Favorite book: The Hunger Games
Favorite food: pizza rolls, burgers, brats
Favorite super hero: Spider-Man
Hobbies: grill, watching Illinois, music
What’s your idea of a perfect first date?
Candlelight dinner and a romanitc comedy
Traits you look for in a girl: Hot, good-looking, attractive, younger
What’s the sexiest thing a girl can wear?
turtleneck, baggy jeans, crocs
What’s a dealbreaker? Smoking
Do you like when a girl makes the first move? Yes!!!
School: St. Ambrose
Relationship status: single
Year in school: sophomore
Hometown: Wheaton, Illinois
Major: American government education
Favorite book: The Hunger Games
Favorite food: Italian
Favorite super hero: Batman/Spiderman
Hobbies: basketball, music, movies, hanging out with friends
What’s your idea of a perfect first date?
Dinner and a movie then hang out afterwards.
Traits you look for in a girl: funny, great personality, outgoing, can hold a conversation
What’s the sexiest thing a girl can wear?
sweatpants, hair-tied, chillin with no make-up on
Do you like when a girl makes the first move? Yes.
What’s a dealbreaker?
cigarettes, boring, stuck-up

Name: Austin Chinn
Relationship status: In a relationship
School: St. Ambrose
Year in school: Sophomore
Hometown: Bourbonnais, IL
Major: Exercise Science/Biology


Favorite book: Curious George
Favorite food: sweet and sour chicken
Favorite superhero: Iron Man

Hobbies: Golf, working out, and spending countless hours doing nothing

What’s your idea of a perfect first date?  A date where I don’t have to spend money.

Traits you look for in a girl: Funny, intelligent, and healthy

What’s the sexiest thing a girl can wear? Cowboy boots

What’s a dealbreaker? Obnoxiously loud

Do you like when a girl makes the first move? Love a girl with confidence.


Name:  Luke Staudt
Relationship status:  Single
School: St. Ambrose
Year in school:  Sophomore
Hometown:  Marble Rock, Iowa
Major:  Management and marketing


Favorite book:  Called to Coach
Favorite food:  Peanut butter cookies
Favorite superhero:  Thor

Hobbies:  Golfing, listening to music, traveling

What’s your idea of a perfect first date?  Quality dinner, explore the town.

Traits you look for in a girl:  Down-to-earth, genuine, has goals in life

What’s the sexiest thing a girl can wear?  Yoga pants have my approval.

What’s a dealbreaker?  Lack of social skills, smoker

Do you like when a girl makes the first move?  I sure don’t mind it.


Name: Nick Wilson
Relationship status: In a relationship
School: St. Ambrose
Year in school: Sophomore
Hometown: Davenport, Iowa
Major: Mechanical Engineering


Favorite book: The Hunger Games
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite superhero: Flash

Hobbies: Running, fishing, swimming, and being outside

What’s your idea of a perfect first date?  Going mini golfing on a summer night and then going to get ice cream afterwards.

Traits you look for in a girl: Has to be able to hold a conversation, has good sense of humor, is attractive, and is just a nice person.

What’s the sexiest thing a girl can wear?  A smile

What’s a dealbreaker?  Complaining about everything, or no sense of humor.  You have to laugh.

Do you like when a girl makes the first move?  If things are going well, sure.


Relationship status: single
School: St. Ambrose
Year in school: freshman
Hometown: Aurora, Illinois
Major: Exercise Science/Physical Therapy
Favorite book: Any of The Hunger Games books
Favorite food: steak
Favorite superhero: Batman
Hobbies: Playing sports, weightlifting, watching movies, hanging with my friends
What’s your idea of a perfect first date?
Dinner, a romantic movie, and just chilling with her afterwards.
Traits you look for in a girl: Cute face, nice body, good sense of humor
What’s the sexiest thing a girl can wear?
A tank top with booty shorts, but I’ve got to love a girl who looks sexy in sweats and a T-shirt.
What’s a dealbreaker?
Smoking, being stuck-up.
Do you like when a girl makes the first move?
Heck yes.


Corinne Sullivan is an editorial intern at Her Campus. She is in her senior year at Boston College, majoring in English with a Creative Writing Concentration. On campus, she cheers at football and basketball games as part of the Boston College Pom Squad and performs as a member of the Dance Organization of Boston College. She also teaches spin classes at the campus gym and contributes to the BC branch of Her Campus. Corinne loves the beach, all things chocolate, and is unashamed of her love for Young Adult Fiction. You can follow her on Twitter at @cesullivan14. 
As the Senior Designer, Kelsey is responsible for the conceptualization and design of solutions that support and strengthen Her Campus on all levels. While managing junior designers, Kelsey manages and oversees the creative needs of Her Campus’s 260+ chapters nationwide and abroad. Passionate about campaign ideation and finding innovative design solutions for brands, Kelsey works closely with the client services team to develop integrated marketing and native advertising campaigns for Her Campus clients such as Macy’s, UGG, Merck, Amtrak, Intel, TRESemmé and more. A 2012 college graduate, Kelsey passionately pursued English Literature, Creative Writing and Studio Art at Skidmore College. Born in and native to Massachusetts, Kelsey supplements creative jewelry design and metal smithing with a passion for fitness and Boston Bruins hockey. Follow her on Twitter: @kelsey_thornFollow her on Instagram: @kelsey_thorn