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Campus Cutie: Ethan Baker

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Name: Ethan Baker


Year: 2016

Major: Music/Business

Hometown: Bowling Green, Kentucky

Music Style: R&B, Motown, and any guys with guitars (Andy Grammer or Jason Mraz or Mat Kearney)

Favorite Movies: Lion King, Brother Where Art Thou, Happy Gilmore, Matilda

Greatest accomplishment: “Getting into the Stairwells.  In high school, my a cappella group made it into a competition hosted by Andy Grammer, and we made it really far. Snuck into the crypt and have done two-thirds of the triathlon.”

Where can you be found on a typical weekend? “Playing the piano and writing heart-wrenching love ballads in the basement of Ewell.” 

Describe your typical day at W&M: “I wake up, go get breakfast, go to classes, hang out with friends, then go to the gym, dinner, stairwells practice, and then Swem. So pretty much the typical day of everyone else on campus.”

Have any pets? “One dog named Teddy. Brittany Spaniel.”

Favorite Holiday: “Thanksgiving, by far. My mom is one of eleven, and my dad is one of seven, so I have a giant family. We all meet out in a pavilion on my family’s land and have a huge Southern style home cooked meal.”

Play any instruments? Piano, ukulele, and of course, singing.

Play any sports? “I did Cross County in high school and I play ultimate frisbee. Not on the team here though.”


Ideal Girl:

Hair color?: “Brunette.”

Tall or short: “Hopefully not taller than me…somewhat in the middle.”

Nice eyes or nice smile: “Nice eyes, definitely.”

Girl in sweats or in a dress: “I would say a dress…but it can be either. It’s good to be able to rock both.”

Worst thing a girl can wear? “When they try to go out looking super bougie, wearing super short skirts/shorts. I prefer classy.”

Best thing a girl can wear? “When they can wear a flannel and some semi-high waisted shorts.”

What do you prefer, a girl who plays an instrument or a sport? “Instrument. A girl that can play guitar well hits me deep.”

Least favorite thing about girls at W&M? “They TWAMP too hard…”

First thing you notice about a girl? “If she’s happy. As in, she comes off as pleasant.”


Night in or night out? Night out

If you could have any super power, what would it be? “Mind reading. Except I did want to be Flash as a kid.”

Ideal first date? “Sonic drive thru, always a great start. Something just off the wall. Like Bingo Night at the old folks home.”

Random hookups or meaningful relationship? “Ideally, a meaningful relationship. I like having a girl as a best friend before anything.”

Most annoying phrases girls say? “When they search for compliments. When they use LOL in real life. If it was really an LOL moment, they should be laughing.”

Favorite thing about William & Mary: “I like the sandwich ladies at Sadler. I’m pretty sure we’ll be best friends by the end of the year.”

Pet names – cute or annoying?: “Depends. The “boogie-woogie-shnookum” stuff, no. It has to be classy. Like in Casa Blanca he calls the girl “sport.” Babe is good too.”

Romantic or thriller movie when you take a girl out on a date: “I would much rather have a RomCom. I can try to act manly but I hate scary movies.”

Girliest movie you’ve ever watched?: “The Katy Perry movie. I went and saw it twice in theaters, and proceeded to jam to her album the rest of the summer. It was bad, but so good.”

If you had one last day to live, what would you do?: “Go fishing with my brothers, and then probably hang out by the pool in the backyard with my family and have a cookout.”

If you could add an event to the triathlon, what would it be? “Catch a squirrel. Those things are legitimately insane.”

If a girl makes the first move, do you like it or not?: “I do, definitely. I’m not that forward and frank about stuff and I always think I’m gonna mess up the first move.”

What song would you sing when serenading a girl?: So Sick – Ne-Yo


Harper is a junior at the College of William and Mary, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Marketing. A DC-Area native, she serves as Co-President at Her Campus William and Mary. She spends her summers interning in Marketing. This past summer was spent in New York City working at OppenheimerFunds as a Digital Strategy Intern, and the year before at Gannett working as a Marketing and Promotions Intern in the Social Commerce Division. She hopes to slowly accomplish a few things on her list of ridiculous dreams including hugging a walrus and voicing a named Disney character in a movie.Blog || LinkedIn || Twitter