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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

‘Tis the season to be jolly!” But how jolly can this season really be when the days get shorter and the weather gets colder? I get it, trust me. You wake up in the mornings now and can’t find the motivation to get up and get your day started. The cold air is creeping up on us more during the early morning, so why should we even leave our warm bed? 
Chances are that if you’re reading this, you’re dreading the winter as it’s fast approaching. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or more commonly known as the “winter blues” is something many may suffer from as the seasons change. During the winter time, you may experience symptoms such as physical and mental fatigue, increased sleeping, difficulty concentrating, and extreme sadness. It’s difficult to experience these symptoms and not feel the holiday joy that comes with winter. Let’s dive into how you can prepare yourself and tackle the winter blues.

During these times with the freezing weather, it’s important to remember to stay active and keep your body moving. I know it can be difficult because all you want is to stay in bed and do absolutely nothing. Every day, try to exercise for at least 30 minutes. No need to overwork yourself or have a heavy workout session — the goal is to move your body! While the weather is still fairly decent, take a nice, calming walk around your neighborhood or on campus! You’ll be getting steps in as well as some vitamin D. If you’d prefer at-home exercises instead, some easy ones you can start with could be jumping jacks, squats, leg raises, push-ups, and lunges. You can find a more specific list of exercises here!

Food makes most of us happy, so it’s safe to say it does impact our mood a ton. Therefore, it’s crucial you get your nutrients in! There are many amazing foods  suggested to boost your serotonin levels that you can implement into your diet. The list includes (but of course, not limited to) dark green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, fatty fish, nuts, and low fat or nonfat yogurt. Keep your stomach happy and eat what you’d like! Make sure to stay hydrated as well by drinking plenty of water.

Keep yourself feeling good by doing what you love to do! Whether your hobby is reading, writing, playing an instrument, cooking, baking, photography, or gaming, let yourself indulge with your choice of entertainment. You’ll always have something to look forward to after a long day of school or work (or both). It’s easy to overwhelm yourself and feel the need to overwork, but you deserve to relax!

Lastly, having a great support system is a key way to tackling those winter blues! Friends, family, a counselor or a therapist — these are the people who can help you and be there for you when you’re having those rough days. Not only are friends and family a shoulder to lean on, but they are amazing company to keep around. Make time to hang out with friends and family and do fun winter activities that’ll keep you in a jolly mood! It’s important that you spend time with your loved ones!

Always remember that you are not alone in this, and we will fight the winter blues together!

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Julie Vuong

York U '26

Julie Vuong is currently a first year BSc Psychology student at York University. On her spare time, she loves to read, write, listen to music, try new foods, and do origami for fun.