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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

When I’m mindlessly scrolling through Tiktok, I often come across a concert video where the top comment is always without fail, a snarky comment about how everyone is busy recording on their phones instead of “enjoying the moment.” I’ve always questioned this and strongly disagreed. Not only is it no one’s business except the person who paid for the ticket, but also, why criticize people for wanting to capture exciting and possibly once-in-a-lifetime moments?

Growing up, my mom always had a camera in her hand. From when I was first born, to my high school graduation, every special, exciting, scary, and sad moment of my life has been captured and stored away on a hard drive. Pictures have the power to tell a story in a way that words often cannot. The old age saying “a picture speaks a thousand words” is undoubtedly true, and it is precisely why documenting our lives through photography is such an excellent way to tell our stories. In a world where we are constantly overwhelmed with information and distractions, it’s easy to forget important moments we wish to cherish. But, by capturing these moments through photography, we can preserve them forever and give them eternal life. 

Whether it’s a picture of a child’s first steps, a family vacation, or a milestone birthday, these photos allow us to relive those moments and emotions long after they have passed. Photos can also help us to remember people who are no longer with us. Seeing a picture of a loved one who has passed away can bring back cherished memories and emotions that we may have forgotten. It allows us to keep them close and honor their memory. In addition to the personal significance of photos, they can also serve as a historical record. Photographs have the power to document important events and social movements, providing a visual representation of the past for future generations to come. Without photographs, we would have a limited understanding of history and the evolution of our world.

While some may argue that taking pictures detracts from the present moment, I like to think of it as enhancing our experiences. By capturing a moment on camera, we are more likely to remember it vividly and appreciate it fully. Of course, much like everything else in life, there is a healthy balance to be struck between living in the moment and documenting it. Always strive to be present and enjoy experiences to the fullest, but also take advantage of these technological advances, and make the most of the powerful tool that photography provides us. By using photos to tell our stories, we can connect with others and create a legacy that will last long after we’re gone.

By documenting our lives through photography, we can ensure that our stories are remembered and cherished for years to come. So, the next time you’re tempted to put down the camera and “just enjoy the moment,” remember the significance of pictures and the role they play in preserving our memories and telling our stories. They are proof that we were here and we lived a life worth living— a life worth remembering. 

Second year student at York University majoring in Accounting.