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Don’t Let the Number on the Scale Control Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

Have you ever wanted to eat that plate of white chocolate brownie but decided not to because you felt that it would make you fat? Have you ever skipped dinner because you wanted to maintain your weight? According to research, 91% of women surveyed on a college campus had attempted to control their weight through dieting. With all the TV ads of models with perfect bodies wearing high-end clothing to idols with slim figures, it is common for girls to feel pressured to maintain their weight.

The society has shaped us into thinking that only slim girls are considered “perfect” or “pretty”. However, does that number on the scale really mean anything? The first thing people think of when it comes to weight loss is stepping on a scale. Everything they do revolves around getting that number down and people tend to focus on that number to motivate themselves. Yet, rather than restricting yourself for eating certain foods and starving yourself, why not begin a healthy fitness routine? Even if it’s just 30 minutes, it’ll boost your energy and make you feel great throughout the day. In addition, once you really get yourself into that fitness life, your body fat will turn into muscles. Muscles are heavier than fat but they look drastically different on your body.

Moreover, muscles burn more calories than fat so the more fit you are, the more calories you burn. A regular fitness routine will be more effective for maintaining a healthy figure than strict dieting.

Rather than focusing on the scale, you should focus on your overall health and fitness. How you “feel” is more important than that digit displayed on the screen. You will have better skin, more energy, sleep better, and overall just feel happier. It may be difficult at first to change your lifestyle but believe in yourself that you can do it! A habit only takes 21 days to form and once you get yourself into loving fitness, you will see a positive change to more than just your body figure, but your life overall.