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An International Student’s Guide to Being Away From Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

Moving away for college can be quite the challenge. Not only are you trying to adapt to university life while living by yourself, but your family and friends are nowhere near to help out. Here are a few tips from an international student who’s living over 8000 km away from home to help you with homesickness.

create a book club

Don’t know how to keep in touch with long distance friends? Grab your nerdiest friends and set up a book club! Choose a book for you to read and discuss during video calls  – either weekly or monthly – for the most avid readers among you. With set meetings, you won’t have to worry about your friends’ crazy schedules, and you’ll always have new things to talk about. This tip also works with movies and TV shows, especially with franchises like Marvel and new releases like House of Dragon.

dinner dates

Having your meals alone can go from mysterious and alluring to lonely very quickly. If you don’t have a steady friend group just yet, don’t worry! One solution is video chatting with your family over dinner. It’ll be a simple and nice way to feel part of a daily routine again, even if everyone’s too busy eating. This is also great for people in long-distance relationships, with bonus points if you two end up falling asleep on call together.

keep busy

Do you spend too much time feeling homesick? Try filling that free time with hobbies and activities! Being a new student at university means you can try out for any club that interests you. Maybe it’s time you tried that sport you always wanted to do but were too scared you’d be awful at. Or maybe you might want to completely reinvent yourself and join a club you never thought you’d enjoy. That way you can take your mind off of your homesickness, while also making new friends.

bring your home to your dorm

Empty dorm rooms might not feel homely, but they’re a great opportunity to surround yourself with home. Next time you go home, why not bring back one or two childhood favorite plushies? Buy posters similar to the ones in your room, or bring a bit of life with some new potted plants –  just don’t forget to water them! Your room is your safe space from academic pressures, so have fun with it and make it as comforting as possible!

explore campus

Since you’re so far away from home, try to make the most of it! You’ll have to spend 8 months on campus, so make sure you know all of the best spots. Find out which cafeteria serves the best food, or walk through the green areas of campus to find your new reading nook. If you explore your surroundings, they’ll be less foreign, and university might start feeling like home away from home. You’ll find some resources and hidden gems to help you along the way.

be a little delusional

It’s not always that you’ll have time to follow the previous tips, especially during exam season. So when everything else fails, it’s okay to be a little delusional. Going to bed on Friday pretending you’ll spend the weekend with your parents might sound crazy, but sometimes it’s the best we’ve got! So don’t be afraid to pretend that your significant other is picking you up tonight for a romantic date, or that you and your friends are definitely going through with your Europe summer travel plans this time. Try to follow the other trips, but, if they’re not enough, see you in Italy!

Homesickness can be a lot to deal with. Being away from your friends and family in a new environment is tough on everyone, so I hope my recommendations and strategies help you settle into university life without much trouble.

I'm a first year international student from Brazil majoring in Psychology! I'm a major movie buff and I love learning new languages.