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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

Whether it’s the pumpkin spice in the air or the orange and red of the leaves, everyone is getting into the autumn spirit. It’s time to put on your favorite sweaters, brew your favorite hot drink and find a nice, cozy spot to wind down and have some Me Time. Take advantage of that post-midterm free time and the perfect sweater weather to check a few must reads off your list this fall.

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

This novel features a very unconventional couple that only see each other once every year on (you guessed it) November 9th. Fallon leads an exciting life and travels the world, and Ben lives a stationary life as an aspiring author. When he meets Fallon and decides to write a book about the exciting life she leads (without her permission), their yearly meetings get more and more interesting. If you’re looking for a good, heartwarming romance that still keeps you on your toes, November 9 is the book for you this fall.

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood’s classic novel is something every university student should read before they graduate. It’s an interesting and engaging read with a feminist message without shoving it down your throat. Though this book is on everyone’s recommended reading list since its release, there are a few reasons to finally check it off of your list. It’s been adapted into one of Hulu’s most popular shows and just finished airing season three this past August. And on top of that, Margaret Atwood just released the sequel to this modern classic, The Testament, last month. If you’ve been looking for a sign to pick up this roller coaster of a novel, here it is.

Vicious by V.E. Schwab

If you love fantasy, sci-fi, or any genre of superhero story, this book should be at the very top of your list. Schwab bases this entire thrilling and chilling story on the iconic relationship dynamic of Magneto and Professor X, blurring the lines between hero and villain, and forcing the reader to reevaluate their own values and morals. If you have a few free hours to chill and unwind, consider picking up this fast-paced read, as you’re guaranteed to read this book front-to-back before you even finish your cup of tea.

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black

Don’t let Twilight spoil the novelty of a good vampire story this spooky season! Holly Black destroys the boring “sparkly vampire” story and creates something dangerous, dark and sexy enough to make you hunker down and not get up until the book is done. If you’re looking for a good book that’s in theme with the Halloween season, but you’re not the type to enjoy a good scare, then this book is the perfect balance of suspense and spooky without the straight horror. Give Edward a second chance and read this vampire story that’s done right.

The Shining by Stephen King

Heeeeeeere’s Johnny! The Shining is one of the most renowned horror movies of our time and also one of Stephen King’s best selling (and arguably the best in general) books. If you’re looking to get into the spooky mood this October or if you’re just looking for a good horror read in general, definitely consider giving this one a try. This is a great book to start with if you’re just starting to dip your toes into King’s works and it’s a staple to read if you’re already a fan. It’ll keep you on your toes, make you curl up more tightly in your fave fall sweater, and it’ll definitely make you wish you hadn’t turned off the lights.

Whether it’s curling up near your window to take some time to read or it’s listening to the audiobook on your commute to and from class, taking time to engage in a story and escape reality is one of the best ways to unwind. With midterms coming to a close and exams nipping at our tails, taking some Me Time is the key to maintaining your mental health and keep completely losing your mind. So, be sure to love yourself a little extra this fall.

Angelica is from a small town in the middle of Nowhere, Ontario, where she grew up farming the fields and herding the sheep. She moved the the big city to get her degree and become a writer.
Kaitlin is a bilingual (French and English) writer originating from friendly Thunder Bay. They are in their seventh year at York University, where they study professional writing with an emphasis on journalism. They live with their partner of nine years and their cat, Tessa. They started writing with a passion and a poem that eventually won third in a contest 12 years ago, and started editing not too long after. When not at the keyboard, Kaitlin can be found reading, cooking, playing video games, or holding Tessa. Their favorite movies are scary and their favorite television genre is reality. Kaitlin's passions include copyediting, anything scary or spooky and adding to her collection of dolls, magnets and cups. Their favorite part of writing/editing is giving others a chance to share their story or achieve their dreams and offering insight on "the little things." Some of Kaitlin's favorite topics reflect on their personal life, including health/disabilities, fringe topics and social issues.