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You Know You’re A Student Athlete When…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.


You Know You’re A Student Athlete When…


By Jess McIntire

Your team takes over the gym

And there never seems to be enough squat racks…

You have multiple bags to carry around

One with your books… and another for practice… Bags on bags

Your hands will never be the same

Callouses on callouses on callouses… No hands are safe!

Your laundry loop has more clothes than your laundry basket

Laundry loops save lives!

You have to stay up doing homework because of practice

But you can bang out that paper at 3am with no problem!

You have more sneakers than humanly possible

And you never think it’s enough…

And those ungodly tanlines

You just can’t seem to get rid of them

You’ve become extremely competitive

    With your sport… and your grades…

You look and feel like a highlighter

    Especially if you’re a runner


You don’t know what to do with yourself when practice is cancelled

    So much time for activities!

Your best friends share the uniform

    And you wouldn’t have it any other way!

To be quite honest… Being a student athlete is difficult, especially with practice, school, work, and whatever else you have going on. The reality of the situation is that it can be really hard at times. But it’s one of the best experiences you can have… And we wouldn’t have it any other way.