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Top 5 Things I Have Learned Being an Intern

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.

Being Public Relations major, I have done my fair share of internships. Some have been great and others have been well, not so great. I have had my fair share of mess ups and also some pretty amazing successes. To some, interning can be a scary and harsh reality check, because you realize that you are in the real world…and that is a very VERY scary place. So, to give a little insight on what it is like being an intern, here are my top 5 pieces of knowledge I took away from my college internships.

  1. Build Connections

The more people you know, the more chances you have to grow and have possible employment opportunities down the road. Get to know your coworkers and see what contacts they have as well. Don’t assume who might be a better contact – get to know everyone. Even the maintenance guys could have a LinkedIn account!



  1. Little tasks give you the biggest reward

Sometimes you have to rewrite something a million times and might never see the true point in it. Find the lesson in what you are assigned. If you find the good in it, then the task will not seem as boring or useless. Everything you do as a student will ultimately help you become a better professional in the long run. Yes, that even means getting coffee…you learn coffee stains never come out of a white blouse.


  1. Wear your Confidence

I love flip flops just as much as the next beach bum, but they are not proper office attire. Make sure to always look sharp and sophisticated for the environment you intern in. I’m not saying to show up in your prom gown on your first day, but believe me. Cardigan sweaters and ballet flats work wonders.



  1. Brand Yourself

Okay, so I will not give you the whole speech about watch what you put on social media blah, blah, blah, but what I will say is make sure your posts always reflect your own personal brand. Stay alert and conscious of how you want to be perceived as a person and a professional. Employers will look, so make sure it’s appropriate and shows your personality!



  1. It’s okay to not be perfect!

This is the most important piece of information on this list. If you can walk away from a job saying you gave it 110%, then that is all that matters. Internships are meant to teach you and have you learn more about how it will be once you start your career. Don’t be so harsh on yourself if your work comes back with 2 pages of edits or if you are asked to rewrite something. YOU ARE LEARNING. Be the best you can be and always stay true to yourself!


Hey everyone my name is Mary. I am a senior Public Relations major at York College of Pennsylvania. I am on Executive Board for our Public Relations Student Society of America chapter. Writing for me is therapy and I couldn't imagine my life without it. When I am not trying to be super woman, I enjoy eating soft pretzels and rapping to Nicki Minaj. My dream is to be a cross between Hilary Clinton and Kate Upton."Work like a Captain, Party like a Pirate"Twitter: @IRuleThisLand__
Malaika is a senior public relations major who was born and raised in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. In addition to being a campus correspondent for Her Campus, she enjoys singing in YCP's acapella group Rhapsody, participating in the spring musicals and writing her own music while playing her guitar.