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The Dreaded “Cuffing” Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.

As temperatures drop and people begin to pull out their sweaters, jackets, and boots, something else can be felt in the air. It’s that time once again: Cuffing Season!



For all non-millennials out there, this is a time when are people searching for “warmth.” Boys and girls start searching for another person to claim as their boyfriend/girlfriend from fall all the way through winter (end of February/beginning of March). The cuffing season allows people to claim significant others and deny the status of being in “Team Single.” If you have been already been “cuffed,” then congrats to you, my friend. You can rest easy and get started on Netflix & Chill. If you are a part of #teamsingle, or you’ve missed the “scouting” deadlines, then you dread and cringe when someone mentions “cuffing” season. The thoughts of “Am I cuff-able?” and/or “When will I be cuffed?” begin swarming around your mind like bees on a hot summer day. You hate going outside to see all the couples snuggled up together to keep warm. You think of all the possible guys/girls you may want to claim, just for this season. It’s a horrible time for many…but fret no more. DO NOT be jealous of those who have been cuffed! Sit back and chill.

Those newly “cuffed” couples are together only for these few Fall/Winter months. Of course, this doesn’t apply to all [new] couples. Some people manage to stick it out for the long haul. But, when Spring fever hits, and clothes are shredded and ripped off, those couples will rethink their decision of being together. They’ll be grateful to the other person for sticking by them during these cold months, but in the end, they will bid each other adieu and head their separate ways.If you don’t see this as helpful to your situation of being single, then keep this in mind. The best part of not being cuffed during Cuffing season is…





Although it isn’t ideal, and you’d rather have someone to be with like everyone else, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Today’s single male/female is tomorrow’s boyfriend/girlfriend. (I tried to be inspirational.)So, to my #teamsingle squad, look to your heart’s desire. Your time to be cuffed is coming – just you wait and see!

A Senior at York College of Pennsylvania, majoring in Political Science. I am a Gemini, I love the color green, reading and writing! I am so excited to be able to write for Her Campus. I hope to inspire and/or entertain all who read my articles!