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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.


It’s a known fact that coffee stains teeth. It is no mystery and can be very annoying to those who enjoy the taste of it. Now, there is a way to enjoy your coffee and maintain the perfect, white smile.


It is called Clear Coffee, the first colorless coffee. According to their website, it is made from high quality Arabica coffee beans from Ethiopia and pure water. Clear Coffee “does not contain preservatives, artificial flavours, stabilizers, sugar or any other sweeteners,” as per their website.


The company does not explain how they got the coffee to come out colorless, but offers that they use a processing method that the brand developed over time.


As of right now, Clear Coffee is only available in the UK and in select supermarkets, such as Whole Foods.


I have to say, I am quite skeptical of this beverage. Clear coffee doesn’t even seem like it should exist, but I’ll try anything at least once. You have to give new things a chance.

If and when it comes out, I’ll be one of the first to partake in the drink – cautiously, of course!

A Senior at York College of Pennsylvania, majoring in Political Science. I am a Gemini, I love the color green, reading and writing! I am so excited to be able to write for Her Campus. I hope to inspire and/or entertain all who read my articles!