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Surviving Midterm Season at Yale

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.

Midterms can be stressful and tiring for everyone at Yale. Luckily HerCampus Yale has some great tips to help get you through them!

Best Study Spots

Bluestate on York – delicious food and a great atmosphere to get work done

Treehouse (top floor of LC) – has a big study table and is always empty

CT Hall – always available and not too intimidatingly quiet like Bass

Phelps Hall – can always get your own classroom

Music Library – spacious and empty

Best Study Breaks

Hit the gym

Take a walk with friends

Take a nap

Go out to eat

Get food from the buttery

How to treat yourself when you’re feeling down

Get froyo with friends

Go out to a party

Watch a movie with a friend

Hang out in a friend’s room