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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.

Name: Kevin Peel 

Year: 2012 

College: Silliman 

Major: Political Science 

Hometown: Onoway, Alberta (Canada) 


Flashback: November 2009.  My friend dragged me to a room in Silliman to meet this guy on the hockey team.  He had Spongebob sheets and bedding. 


Flash forward: A few weeks ago.  A phone call takes place. 


HC: Hi, Kevin.  I was wondering if you would be the Campus Cutie for the launch of Her Campus at Yale. 


A brief pause. 


KP: If it’s going to help you, I’ll be more than happy to. 


Present time: I walk in to Est Est Est and look for the bright-eyed Canadian.  I find him in the corner with his hood up.  


HC: Hey, Kevin.  I’m not sure if you remember me but we met a few years ago. 


KP: No of course I do. 


HC: I’m sorry but I’ve got to ask, do you still have those Spongebob sheets? 


KP: I don’t. 


He sees my disappointment and immediately adds… 


KP: But I just got a brand new Spongebob comforter and pillow.  And my room is Disney themed.  I’ve got Smurfs everywhere.  And a Cars poster.  Plus I’m getting one of those clap on, clap off lights. 


Now, Mr. Peel has a reputation on campus for his incredible tailgate attire, with outfits ranging from penguin onsies, to female nightgowns accompanied with pigtails. 


HC: Can you please tell me the thought process that goes into picking your tailgate outfits? 


KP: Well, I try to go for the dumbest and the brightest.  I pick things that no one else is willing to wear.  I try to illicit a certain response from people. 


HC: And what’s that? 


KP: They want to laugh, but are too confused. 


HC: What did you wear to the last tailgate? 


KP:  The neon green man body suit with a women’s one-piece swimsuit over it.  And a toque with llamas on it. 


** llamas was pronounced more like lamb-as. 


My head titled to the side and I stared at him blankly.  He thought nothing of it and continued drinking his Starbucks. (Yes, he was drinking coffee in a pizza shop). 


HC: You wore a what with what on it? 


KP: A toque, it’s what we call hats in Canada.  


I was somehow under the impression that the only difference between Canadian and American speech was “about”, but I was clearly misinformed. 


HC: What would you say are the greatest cultural differences between Canada and America? 


KP: Well, America is full of aggressively bad drivers who honk a lot.  And in Canada we pronounce things different, like pasta (pass-ta), llama (lamb-a), intestine (in-test-eye-ne).  And there is no Popeye’s. 


He leaned his head back to finish his coffee and his hood fell off.  A full head of flow came out of hiding. 


HC: What’s the appeal of having flow? 


KP: It’s great for hockey. 


HC: How so? 


KP: Well you get to have flow coming out of the back of your bucket, blowing in the wind as you skate, fluttering just above your number. (Pause) And it allows for people to have lower expectations of you. 


Her Campus disagrees and thinks Mr. Peel has actually given the flow a very high standard.  

Jackie is a junior Sociology major at Yale University with a concentration in Gender studies. As a southern California native, she loves the sun, Mexican food, frozen yogurt, freeways and friendly strangers. Jackie plans to test out the rest of her early 20's on the east coast, but knows she will ultimately find herself back in the Los Angeles area. She spent the first half of last summer as a fashion intern near her home north of Los Angeles and the second half studying abroad in Prague. While interning, Jackie renewed her love of the fashion industry culture and affirmed her interest in pursuing fashion publications as a career. She had the time of her life in Prague and traveling throughout Europe where she was referred to as everything from "gypsy woman" to "Pocahontas" for her bohemian tribal style. Her fashion icons are Kate Hudson and Jessica Szohr. At Yale, Jackie pitched for the varsity women's softball team before suffering an elbow injury this year. In her spare time, Jackie enjoys thrift store shopping, running, and gossiping with her mom. Some of her obsessions include Starbucks cinnamon dolce lattes, Free People, Guide Dogs of America, baseball (Go Dodgers!), John Mayer and family.