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White Elephant Gift Ideas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.


Christmas parties can be a pain. Christmas parties can be even more of a pain when the invitation says: WHITE ELEPHANT! BRING A GIFT!


What is White Elephant? If you’re unsure, it starts with everyone bringing one present. Everyone puts their gift in the middle of the room and everyone draws a number out of a hat, a box, whatever your heart desires! Number one goes first, unwraps their present, then puts it on display for everyone to see. Every number after (2,3,4,5 … so on) has 2 options: steal a previous gift or open a new one. If your gift is stolen you can then open a new present or steal someone else’s. GIFTS CAN ONLY BE STOLEN 3 TIMES! If number one has the gift they started with, they can steal someone else’s if they wish. Viola! That’s it! Easy, right? If you’re still looking like this:


You can go check out this YouTube video by the awesome Cameron Rhodes:


So, here are 7 ideas to spice up your dreaded Christmas party!


1. Wine Ice Cream

    Alcohol + Ice cream.. 2 of the best things in existence. Am I right? I’m right!

Buy it here for only $7.95/pint


    2.   Hidden Cash Gift

    This is fantastic because no one wants the gift! It seems boring and no one trades it and then the person who ends up with it gets a great surprise!

Get a mason jar, stick a toilet paper roll in the middle, fill the outside with M&M’s, and stick your cash in the middle!


3. Prank Boxes

These are just funny. That’s it. Just put your real gift inside!

Get these at WalMart, Amazon, Kohls… lots of options!


4. DIY Spray Tan Kit

This one makes me laugh every time! Plus, it’s cheap!

Just go to your local supermarket and grab some cheese sauce and cheese balls!


5. Rock, Paper, Scissors!

Minus the Lizard and Spock, this is the perfect cute little present…

All you need is a tiny pair of scissors, a rock, a small piece of paper, and a box.


6. Beats Headphones!

Beats! By Farmer Dre. Who doesn’t want to “listen” to music through empty vegetable cans?

Again, go to your local supermarket and pick up some sliced beets (you can eat them if you want) and a cheap headband! Hot glue the cans onto the headband and there you go!


7. Weener Kleener

And last but not least… If your Christmas party is a little on the scandalous side you can throw in a Weener Kleener! I’m sorry what? Yeah, I don’t know. Why is this a thing? Again, I don’t know. But here it is!

You can pick up this fun thing at Wal-Mart, Amazon, or other little bargain websites you can find on Google!


So there you have it! 7 ideas for a fun, crazy, maybe a little scandalous, white elephant Christmas party! You can find tons of other funny and inexpensive gifts on Pinterest!


Happy Holidays!