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Tips to Help You Stay Awake During Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

There are just some days when it seems impossible to go to class without falling asleep. Maybe the subject just doesn’t interest you, or maybe the professor lectures the entire class and your mind seems to always be somewhere else. Whatever the reason, we’ve compiled some tips for you that will help you stay awake and alert — no matter how boring it gets!

Bring a water bottle. Most preferably ice cold water. The cold water will wake up your body and keep everything moving and working. On average, a person needs 32 oz (1 quart) of water per 50 lbs of body weight. So not only are you staying awake, but you’re also being healthy!

Use this time to take killer notes. Even though you may not enjoy the subject, use this time to really listen and write almost everything down. Constantly writing will keep you awake, and you’ll thank yourself when the next exam comes around.

Chew gum. The constant movement in your mouth will keep you from falling asleep, and the same logic goes behind bringing a snack. If your professor allows food, and you are not distracting others in the class, bring an apple or a granola bar. 

Get up and go to the bathroom. Sometimes the urge to go to sleep is so overpowering you feel like your eyelids just won’t stay open anymore. Excuse yourself from class, walk to the bathroom and maybe splash some water on your face. But don’t be gone for too long, you don’t want to miss too much of class.

Sit in the front and interact in the discussion. The professor will most likely call you out if you fall asleep in the front row. So, if you sit in the front row you are more likely to retain information, not get distracted by others in the class, and interact with the discussion.

Get a good night sleep the night before.  This is so important! If you are the type of person who needs 8 or more hours, schedule that into your day. Sleep helps solve (almost) all of life can throw at you. So get your beauty sleep!

Gif sources: 1, 2, 3

Sara is a Sophomore Public Relations major with a double minor in Political Communications and Business at Xavier University. She is also involved with an acapella group, Acabellas, and the Center for Faith and Justice on campus. She loves all dogs, dark chocolate, and inspirational quotes. 
Danielle Curtis is a Junior at Xavier University and is HCXU's Campus Correspondent. She is majoring in English with minors in media studies and writing. She loves traveling, reading, and watching videos of failed marriage proposals.