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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

Have you ever received a meaningful letter? From a boyfriend, parent, teacher, friend, or stranger. How did it make you feel? Loved, special, desired, important?

See, there’s something special about a letter. These days we read a lot of words—whether on our phones, or computer, or white-board, but we barely ever read good ole-fashion pen-to-paper letters. Letters change lives, touch others, cause self-reflection, and spread love. When you give someone a letter, you give them a piece of yourself. And the best part: a letter only takes 10 minutes to write and is great procrastination.  Here are some ideas for writing letters. Maybe try to write one a week, or month; you can change lives one letter at a time.


Write an old fashion lined-paper letter to a friend, significant other, or parent. Tell them that you are thinking of them, and update them on your life . Say why you care about them.  I have a shoebox full from my boyfriend, and it’s amazing to look back on them and see how far we have come.

Thank our soldiers for their service and let them know they are loved. A letter can brighten a difficult day. This website gives you all the information on how to do it.

Encourage a child battling cancer. The battle is tough, and letting them know that they are supported is priceless. On this website, you can choose a child with cancer to write a letter to.

Write a letter to someone in prison. They are human just like us and need encouragement. Imagine how hard it would be to live in tight cell all day. This summer I wrote a letter to Richard Glossip, a prisoner on death row for a crime he was wrongly convicted of . He wrote back to me, and it was just amazing to form human connection. On this website, you can choose a prisoner penpal to write to.

Write a letter to a stranger and leave it in a random spot for them to find. This semester, I found a letter near the bathroom sink that said “for anyone who needs motivation today.” I read it, and it completely turned my day around.

Write a letter to God. Writing a prayer is often powerful and meaningful because you can see it concretely and look back on it. Just write to God like any other friend.

Write a letter to your future spouse. This is a powerful gift you can give to him/her on your wedding night. It shows that you have been thinking about them even before you know who they are. This website gives good tips on how to do it.

Write a letter to yourself. Tell yourself what you are going through now, and where you want to go in the future. Remind yourself of your worth. Write your favorite quotes and include a picture or two. Then you can put it away and open it in a couple of days or months or years. You know when you will need it.

The power of letters in incredible. Grab a pen and start writing Collegiettes!

Picture Sources: 1,2, 3, 4

Angela Provenzano is an Occupational Therapy major at Xavier University. She loves sunsets, chocolate, puppies and other non-cliché things.