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Woman in front of fence with border surrounding photo and name of member in the bottom right hand corner
Margot Bond
Life > Experiences

Member Monday- Margot Bond

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

Name: Margot Bond

Year: Senior

Hometown: Louisville, KY

Major/Minor: Economics and Sustainability Major; Political Science, Gender and Diversity Studies minors

What’s your fun fact?: I studied abroad in Sweden last year!

Role at HC Xavier? Why?: I’m Editor-in-Chief! I began as a writer for Her Campus during my freshman year.

What’s your favorite part of HC Xavier?  My favorite part is reading other students’ articles and exploring lots of different topics in the Her Campus community. Her Campus really is a place where you can write about anything!

Why did you choose Xavier? I chose Xavier because I loved the sense of community that I felt in my major and throughout campus. 

What’re your career goals? I want to work in environmental policy to help combat climate change.

Favorite place to go in Cincinnati? Definitely IKEA!

Do you have any hobbies? I love to cross-stitch and draw, but I also love singing in choir!

What’s your favorite class you’ve taken at Xavier? My favorite class was my ENGL 205 because the topic was “Can Books Save the Earth?”. The class combined my passion for sustainability and enjoyment of literature in a really interesting way.

Top 3 favorite artists? John Mayer, The Weeknd, and Khalid.

Favorite Movie? 12 Angry Men (1957) because I’m a cinema nerd.

Favorite Restaurant? Taste of Belgium.

What would you say to someone considering joining the HC team? Definitely do it! This club has helped me develop my skills as a writer and my voice as a strong college woman.

Allison Kane

Xavier '20

Allison Kane is a senior Marketing major and Spanish minor at Xavier University. When she's not working on the HerCampus Xavier Marketing Team, she spends her time, playing catch with her "unwilling" friends, eating Kit Kats and haning out with her fish.