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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

It’s okay to be alone

College is a stressful time in all our lives. Between classes and clubs, parties and friends, internships and significant others, there doesn’t seem like there’s enough time to do all the things that someone needs to do in one day. College is an interesting time in all our lives. For most of us, it’s the first time we’re away from our families. It’s the first time we’re really and truly one our own. Not only our we on our own but if we so chose then we’re all alone as well. Most times we don’t want to be on our own, most times we want to find a friend or someone who is just as lonely as us, who wants to be as social as us, and you spend as much time with them as possible so you’re not alone.

But sometimes you need to be alone. Sometimes you don’t want to be around all your friends even if you’ve promised that you will. It’s not because you’re necessarily sad or homesick but maybe you’re both of those things. Sometimes you just need to sit on your own bed with no one else around you to take a minute and breathe. Because its stressful. For me, college isn’t just about the classes, clubs, friends, etc., it’s about finding me. Sometimes the only way to find yourself is to be by yourself. And you have a lot of time for that. Studying, walking in between classes, cooking. Just know that’s it’s okay if you need that time when everyone else is hanging out.

Allison Kane

Xavier '20

Allison Kane is a senior Marketing major and Spanish minor at Xavier University. When she's not working on the HerCampus Xavier Marketing Team, she spends her time, playing catch with her "unwilling" friends, eating Kit Kats and haning out with her fish.