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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

Look #1: Slay with an Understated Natural Look! 

Keep the shades nude and neutral highlights the features and gives you room to be bold with your eyeliner or lip! You’ll be sure to get second glances with this one!



Look #2: Go Big or Go Home 



Pop off with this glamorous look! Do the brows, fix that contour, and bring out the highlighter! Have fun and dance the night away while your eyes are looking this beautiful!



Look #3 Bring out the Dew for a New You!



Release your inner Goddess with this dewy look! Accentuated those beautiful features of yours! Don’t forget to complete this look with a dazzling pair of earrings!



Look #4 Glitter Eyeshadow, Enough Said 




Do yourself a favor, if you don’t have any, make a trip to Sephora and get yourself some glitter eyeshadow! Go off with this bold look and top it off with a stunning lip! 


Look #5 Lips, Lips, Lips 



Protip: place the boldest color where you want people to look first. If you have it, girl you better flaunt it!



Look #6 Colored Eyeliner! Need I Say More?!



Ready for a fun night out? Start it off right by adding some color into the mix! You will be sure to receive all the compliments for your boldness and beauty!

Sophia is a Philosophy, Politics, and the Public (PPP) major. She is from Cleveland, Ohio and the youngest of four. When she is not being forced to read Plato you can find her around campus giving tours as a Student Ambassador for the Admissions department. Sophia is passionate about ice cream, marvel movies, and social justice issues.
Allison Kane

Xavier '20

Allison Kane is a senior Marketing major and Spanish minor at Xavier University. When she's not working on the HerCampus Xavier Marketing Team, she spends her time, playing catch with her "unwilling" friends, eating Kit Kats and haning out with her fish.