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5 Winter Beauty Tips to Last You Until Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

Harsh Ohio weather is the worst. It’s forever changing, and you need to prepare yourself so that you can look fabulous no matter if it’s sunny and 75 degrees or windy and overcast.

Here are some tips so that your skin will last against the weather until the sunny days of summer!

1. Turn the heat down!

Shower in lukewarm water rather than hot water. The hot water against your skin will dry it out and make it itchy and irritable.

2. Baby Oil

This is a trick that my mom taught me. Before you dry off from your shower, use about a nickel sizes worth of baby oil in your hand and lather your body. This locks moisture in so that you won’t need to keep reapplying lotion all day.

3. A humidifier = new best friend

Whipping winds and dry air is the worst. A humidifier will help keep better control of your hair fizziness, reduce nosebleeds, and help with dry throats/lips/skin.

4. Shampoo every other day

Instead of washing your hair every day, try every other day. Your hair produces natural oils, and shampooing everyday strips your hair of these essential oils. Also, when you wash your hair and then go out into the frigid weather, you are more likely to be using excess heat through straighteners and blow dryers, which damages your hair.

5. Invest in quality moisturizer

Shea butter is my personal favorite, and it’s so worth it! It’s thick, creamy, and putting it on right before bed leads to the best results. I get mine at Bath & Body Works. The True Blue Spa Body Balm is a must-buy, but they have a whole line of shea butters for your to choose from that are equally amazing. 

Until summer collegiettes!


Sara is a Sophomore Public Relations major with a double minor in Political Communications and Business at Xavier University. She is also involved with an acapella group, Acabellas, and the Center for Faith and Justice on campus. She loves all dogs, dark chocolate, and inspirational quotes. 
Danielle Curtis is a Junior at Xavier University and is HCXU's Campus Correspondent. She is majoring in English with minors in media studies and writing. She loves traveling, reading, and watching videos of failed marriage proposals.