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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

So Super Bowl Sunday made all of us cry on a Monday night, but it wasn’t the first time This Is Us wrecked us all. We guess we all knew what we were getting ourselves into. The whole thing started in a plot twist: Rebecca, Jack, Kevin, Randall and Kate are all a family! That was just the first of many gut-wrenching reveals, but here’s a recap in case you forgot.

1. When Kevin gave that kid all his Halloween candy so he would hold Kate’s hand in the haunted house.

First of all, being a girl at that age is literally the worst. And let’s be honest, we’ve all searched for a guy’s approval at some point. It was just so cute that little Kevin showed so much love for his sister that he was willing to give up his candy for her to be happy.

2. When we find out Rebecca met William and kept it from Randall for 30 years.

The whole adoption was such a unique situation that we didn’t think Randall’s birth parents would be in the picture at all. But to find out that Rebecca had known all along, and William lived basically down the street from Randall the whole time?!?! We can understand why Rebecca chose to keep William out of Randall’s life. But we couldn’t imagine the betrayal Randall must have felt. That hurts.

3. When Kevin misses opening night of his play to take care of Randall during an anxiety attack.

Kevin’s got this huge performance, but he ditches opening night on a hunch that his brother might need him. That’s selflessness if we’ve ever seen it. Just the continual family love and closeness of this family warms our hearts so much.

4. When William says he’s done with chemo, so he and Beth eat “adult brownies” together in the basement.

Terminal illnesses are so tough. But pretty much everybody knows someone who has suffered from the side effects of chemotherapy and understands why William might want to end his treatment. It was so sad, and Beth’s compassion and support made all the difference.

5. When Kate and Toby were so excited for the baby, but Kate miscarries.

We were so ready for Kate to get everything she ever wanted. We even cried when Toby started singing in that coffee shop. They deserve all good things!!!! The loss of their unborn child was so deep; it was crushing.

6. When Jack films Kate singing and you can see what a proud dad he is through the mirror.

Dads. This brought up all the dad feelings. We’re not parents, but the pride you see in a parent’s eyes when their child achieves at something is so special. And to see Jack admiring Kate like that…. it brings tears.

7. And the most recent kill shot? The Season 2 Finale Super Bowl Sunday. When we all thought Jack was going to die going back in the house, but then he emerged from a cloud of smoke with the family photo album.

Jack obviously never took a fire safety course, but it really threw us for a loop when he came out. Relief, but then immediate dread because we knew he was going to die somehow during that episode.

8. When Rebecca is literally the strongest human being ever keeping her cool to tell the kids about Jack.

Talk about being a rock for your children. She doesn’t even indulge in her own feelings because she cares so much about her children and just wants to be there for them.

9. When we thought Randall and Beth were about to get a new foster child, but Deja showed up at the door.

We have so many questions. That’s all we can say about that for now.

10. And Randall and Beth don’t adopt that cute little boy because it’s actually 20 years later and Tess is a social worker for foster children. Ugh full circle. We couldn’t handle it.

And this list barely even does the show justice!

Picture Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9